Curating Sans Souci Festival's 19th Annual Festival Season 2022-23

  • Salzer, H. (Reviewer)
  • Michelle Bernier (Chair)
  • Ana Baer (Reviewer)

Activity: Public engagement and outreachContribution to the work of non-academic organisations


Curating Sans Souci Festival's 19th Annual Festival Season, Boulder, CO, United States.
Core member of the team of curators responsible for the selection and curation of the festival season. The festival received 460 submissions from across the world.

•dance film - short
•dance film - long
•dance documentary - short
•dance documentary - long
•hybrid/performance documentation
•music video
•micro short
•youth directors - age 18 & under
•student directors - age 19 & over
•first time filmmaker — non student, age 19 & over
•NEW for 2022: Jazz Dance Film
•NEW for 2022: Virtual Reality / 360 films
•NEW for 2022: Brazilian dance films - Categoria Brasil

The season involves live and virtual screenings from September 2022-May 2023.

Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema is a niche film festival where choreography meets cinematography.

With an expansive definition of dance and an appreciation for highly experimental and interdisciplinary forms, this unique festival exposes diverse audiences to a variety of film, video, and performance possibilities.

We facilitate gatherings from educational workshops to public screenings to professional development for artists.

While our roots remain proudly in Boulder County (Colorado, USA), our branches reach many locales nationally and internationally, and continue to grow.

Sans Souci is one of the longest running Dance Cinema festivals.

PeriodSept 2022May 2023
Held atSans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Dance CInema, Screendance, Curation, Festival, Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema