From Manuscript to Print: Book Culture and the Antiquarian Tradition

  • Marta Garcia Morcillo (Organiser)
  • Frazier Wood, D. (Organiser)
  • Anouska Lester (Speaker)
  • Davies, B. (Speaker)
  • Rosario Rovira Guardiola (Speaker)
  • Xavier Espluga (Speaker)

    Activity: Participating in or organising an academic eventParticipation in academic conference


    Books preserve and transmit knowledge and memories from the past. They are objects that can be loaded with intrinsic, material and aesthetic value. Their fragility also raises questions about the need to protect them from destruction and oblivion. This workshop explores from a cross-disciplinary perspective the antiquarian tradition, and what we can learn from manuscript and print culture from antiquity up to the 19th century. The aim of the workshop is to approach specialised, yet also versatile and complementary areas of study and their methodologies to research students, scholars and anyone interested in books as objects, agents and protagonists of art and knowledge. This initiative is the first collaborative event hosted by the new Roehampton Research and Knowledge Exchange Centres in History and Classics and Literature and Inclusion.


    10.00: Introduction to the workshop

    10.15-11.00: Marta García Morcillo (Roehampton): “The Value of Books and the Status Market in Ancient Roman Society”

    11.00-11.45: Xavier Espluga (Univ. Barcelona): “From Patronage to Market: Manuscripts/books on Roman Inscriptions and Ancient Rome”

    11.45-12.30: Charo Rovira Guardiola (ICS, London): “The Evolution of Roman Archaeology between the 17th and 19th centuries through the Illustrations of Famiano Nardini's Roma Antica”

    12.30-13.30: Lunch break

    13.30-14.15: Anouska Lester (Roehampton): ”Playhouse Palaeontology: Locating Early Modern Performance in Manuscript and Print”

    14.15-15.00: Bethan Davies (Roehampton): “Receiving Receipts: Early Modern Recipes in Manuscript and Print”

    15.00-15.30: Tea/Coffee break and Historical Recipe Practice

    15.30-16.15: Dustin Frazier Wood (Roehampton): “There and Back Again? Manuscript Facsimiles and Antiquarian Book Culture in England”

    16.15-17.00: Final debate with audience

    Estimated audience numbers (if applicable)

    Period27 Nov 2021
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationLondon, United KingdomShow on map


    • Antiquarian Tradition
    • The History of the Book
    • Book Culture
    • Archaeology
    • Book Art
    • Book Market
    • Manuscripts
    • Manuscript Tradition