Improving children outcome through innovation at different levels in ECEC

  • Tang, F. (Speaker)
  • Lewis Fogarty (Speaker)
  • Louise Kay (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audienceInvited talk for an academic audience


This is a symposium with two colleagues presented to the BERA conference at Aston University September 2023.

Over the past twenty years, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in England has been a focal point for education policy interventions to improve children's outcomes measured through the attainment of a set of prescribed ‘Early Learning Goals’. The three linked papers aim to offer alternative conceptualisations that work to improve children’s outcomes through innovative thinking and practices with a focus on leadership, pedagogy and curriculum, and storymaking. The symposium considers possibilities for new framings beyond the current outcome driven discourses in ECEC towards a more holistic, agentic and democratic way of working with young children.

Estimated audience numbers (if applicable)

Period12 Sept 202314 Sept 2023
Held atBritish Educational Research Association, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • leadership, professional confidence, school readiness, storymaking, posthuman new materialist lens