Professor Hoskins presented the Nuffield funded research findings on the Intergenerational transmission of inequalities in political interest at the symposium 'Can citizenship education address the social gap in political engagement?' at UCL. The Event focused on what schools and teachers can do to address the gap.

    Activity: Public engagement and outreachContribution to the work of non-academic organisations


    The knowledge exchange and impact event was with citizenship education teachers and trainee teachers. 
    The knowledge exchange event was based on the Nuffield funded research article, Intergenerational transmission and the reinforcement of the political engagement gap: Identifying how and why parents’ education levels influence their children's political interest during early adolescence.

    This article investigates the parental mechanisms that influence their children’s development of political interest during early adolescence. The article draws on two panel surveys, the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study and Understanding Society Youth Survey and uses Latent Growth Curve Modelling. The findings show that educated parents influence the initial level of political interest at aged 10 of their children through discussions in the home. They influence the change in political interest between ages 10 and 16 by taking their children to museums and art galleries, by raising expectations of going to university and by teaching their offspring the political skills to engage with politics, which in turn enhance the ability of their children to access political learning at school. They further do so by choosing the school for their children (as indicated by the social composition of a school’s intake) and by influencing their children’s friendship groups.
    Period13 Jun 2022
    Degree of RecognitionNational