Semi-Plenary Host and Participant: ‘A World on Fire’: What Contribution can Psychotherapy Research Make (if any) to Addressing Contemporary Global Challenges?

Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audienceInvited talk for an academic audience


Abstract: Climate change, war, populism, growing economic inequalities… these are just some of the major challenges facing the world today. Does psychotherapy research have any contribution to make to addressing these problems and, if so, what? This semi-plenary will be an opportunity for in-depth dialogue on this question. The session will consist of brief introductory comments from the panellists, and then conversation with the audience about the role that psychotherapy research may be able to play (if any) in contributing to a more just, sustainable, and flourishing planet. Areas to consider will include the role of individual change and healing on wider social harmony and wellbeing, therapeutic practice that specifically aim to empower minoritised groups, therapeutically-informed practices that can make a wider social contribution, and the examination of systemic processes across micro- and macro-levels of change.

Estimated audience numbers (if applicable)

Period14 Sept 2024
Event title6th Joint European & UK SPR Chapters Conference: Psychotherapy in a fast-changing world
Event typeConference
LocationCzech RepublicShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational