UKAMB Forum, "How should human milk be regulated?"

Activity: Public engagement and outreachPublic speaking engagements


I co-organising, co-moderated and presented my research at a Virtual Forum run by the UK Association for Milk Banks (UKAMB) on May 27th on, “How should human milk be regulated?” There was a wide range of leading international speakers from Australia, Brazil, Germany, Ireland, Poland, U.K. and U.S.A., representing clinicians (in the UK. from the British Association of Perinatal Medicine Society), human milk banks, NGOs and the U.S.A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organisation (WHO). There were over 250 delegates from all over the world, and the talks were simultaneously translated into Portuguese. In addition to clinical and regulatory areas delegates were also from lactation and breastfeeding support groups, and the wider public audience.

The talks were recorded and will be available on the UKAMB website. It is hoped this will lead to developing a consensus statement around the topic.

Estimated audience numbers (if applicable)

Period27 May 2021
Held atU.K. Association Human Milk Banks (UKAMB), United Kingdom