UNICEF Project - Life Skills and Citizenship Education, Measurement Instrument launch meeting. (Three Champion Countries: Ministries of Education for Palestine, Egypt and Tunisia)

    Activity: Public engagement and outreachPublic speaking engagements


    Professor Hoskins spoke at the Life Skills and Citizenship Education, Measurement Instrument launch meeting. (Three Champion Countries: Ministries of Education for Palestine, Egypt and Tunisia)

    Information provided about the LSCE instrument is as follows:
    Teaching and learning life skills is incredibly important for empowering children and young people to achieve success in education, employment, and personal goals. Nevertheless, few education systems have integrated life skills into their education systems. One of the reasons for this is challenges concerning the lack of knowledge as to how life skills can be measured, assessed, and evaluated.
    Building on the regional Life Skills and Citizenship Education (LSCE) framework in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), UNICEF and The World Bank have developed this LSCE Measurement Instrument, to measure the national level of grade 7 students’ scores in eight life skills as national large-scale assessment.

    Once a country has applied this LSCE Measurement Instrument, the findings will inform policymakers and educators towards:
    • Understand levels and distribution of life skills across the school-aged population,
    • Inform the nature and scope of required interventions to foster life skills teaching and learning,
    • Track the progress of policies and interventions designed to enhance life skills.
    Assessing learning and understanding the state of play on life skill scores in a country is the first step towards realizing an education system’s full potential to enhance the learning experience.
    Period28 Jul 2021
    Degree of RecognitionInternational