Wimbledon BookFest Young Writers' Competition 2023

Activity: Public engagement and outreachOther


In 2023 I was Chair of Wimbledon BookFest's Young Writers' Competition, judging hundreds of poems and stories from schoolchildren in SW London that led to the publication of two anthologies, for which I contributed prefaces. I chaired two panels consisting of writers, teachers, cultural practitioners, and other members (academic staff as well as PGR and PGT students) of the University of Roehampton.

Estimated audience numbers (if applicable)

Wimbledon BookFest's Young Writers' competition has an audience of hundreds of schoolchildren, their families, and teachers in SW London and beyond, through the long-lasting availability of the resulting anthologies. The University of Roehampton's partnership is published in these outputs that encourage writing and literary in our local communities through our institutional partners.
Period13 Jun 202314 Jun 2023