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LEAP2 study highlighted in Hot Topic section in The Endocrinologist
Hauge Evans, A., Patterson, M., Reeves, S., Hewawasam, N. V., Sarkar, D., Almutairi, M., Gilon, P. & King, A. J.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Is it true that… we should all drink more water?
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Heat training can help you get more out of hot weather workouts
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
The horrors of the heat dome: What heat does to the human body
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Let me die’: the mysterious syndrome changing children overnight
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Nine ways to reduce risk from contaminated PPE
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Expert on "Just One Thing with Michael Mosley" - BBC radio
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Media articles relating to the risks posed by the heat at the 2023 Qatar Grand Prix (Formula 1)
9/10/23 → 12/10/23
5 Media contributions
Press/Media: Press / Media
Am I people-pleasing myself into an early grave?
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Sense of Humor: Definition, Types, and Development
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Avec les températures caniculaires, nos corps sont mis à rude épreuve. Des scientifiques étudient les limites de l’organisme face à la chaleur
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
‘Deep body temperature’ related to heatstroke - how does it rise in a room with a temperature of 50C
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Examining the impact of sustained heat stress on the human body
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
"Resulta clave conocer cómo responde el cuerpo al estrés que produce el calor"
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
‘We can’t endure this’: Migrants suffer in extreme Tunisian heat
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Extreme heat: How high temperatures affect the human body
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
The benefits of drinking water regularly for good health
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Summer of climate catastrophes brings risks for workers
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Extreme heat: what does it do to us and how can we adapt? – podcast
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media