Student theses
- 1 - 50 out of 218 results
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Abject spectacles: a study of the postfeminist dandy in contemporary popular music
Weidhase, N. (Author), Jermyn, D. (Supervisor) & Bainbridge, C. (Supervisor), 9 Jun 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Accessible filmmaking in practice: critical and ethnographic perspectives on inclusionism, errancy and excess
Branson, J. (Author), Kapsaskis, D. (Director of Studies) & Brown, W. (Co-Supervisor), 28 May 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A comparative analysis of English and Italian occupational health and safety enforcement policies
Canciani, D. (Author), Matthews, R. (Supervisor), Fooks, G. (Supervisor), Silvestri, M. (Supervisor), Takhar, S. (Supervisor), Bond, M. (Supervisor) & Potter, G. (Supervisor), 11 Sept 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Acoustic Creatures: Human and animal entanglements in performance
McQuinn, A. (Author), Marvin, G. (Supervisor), 23 Feb 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A critical investigation of the impact of the communication of a Newbigin-like theology of Missio Dei on Phoenix church members by graduates of ForMission College
Hardy, A. (Author), Moxon, J. (Supervisor) & Rogers, A. (Supervisor), 31 Aug 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Critical Study of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars : Interests, Motives, Actions and the Makings of a Culture of Violence
Tripathi, D. (Author), Shaw, M. (Supervisor) & Kent, G. (Supervisor), 8 Oct 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Actors, Networks and Skopos of Mobile Game Localization
Kim, J. Y. (Author), Bernal-Merino, M. Á. (Director of Studies) & Esser, A. (Co-Supervisor), 1 Nov 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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African Women as Mothers and Persons in Rhetoric and Practice: A Critical Study of African Womanhood, Maternal Roles, and Identities in Theological and Cultural Constructs in the Roman Catholic Tradition
Arabome, A. (Author), Beattie, C. (Supervisor) & Muir, R. (Supervisor), 24 Oct 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Live/Living Museum of Small, Forgotten and Unwanted Memories : Performing Narratives, Testimonies and Archives of the Portuguese Dictatorship and Revolution
Craveiro, J. (Author), Greenhalgh, S. (Supervisor), Abrams, J. (Supervisor) & Orley, E. (Supervisor), 13 Feb 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and Catholic Social Teaching in dialogue: an alliance for freedom and justice?
Davies, A. Z. (Author), Beattie, C. (Supervisor) & Sehgal, R. (Supervisor), 19 Nov 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An attempt to mirror the painterly and stillness in autobiographical visual practice
Haikala, E.-M. (Author), 1 Jun 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An ecological perspective on communicative interaction of different forms of discourses within two different disciplines in a UK higher education institution
Liu, K. Y. I. (Author), Garner, M. (Director of Studies) & Mooney, A. (Co-Supervisor), 10 Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Ethnography of Female Salafi Converts in Birmingham
Anwar, N. (Author), Gill Ph.D. CBE , P. A. K. (Director of Studies) & Eade, P. J. (Co-Supervisor), 28 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An exploration of John Paul II’s theological anthropology in the context of his theology of the body and new feminism, in engagement with the perspectives and experiences of some Irish Catholic women.
Doherty, G. (Author), Watkins, C. (Director of Studies) & Beattie, C. (Co-Supervisor), 11 Apr 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Animal metaphors and the depiction of female avengers in Attic tragedy
Abbattista , A. (Author), Greenhalgh, S. (Supervisor), McHardy, F. (Supervisor) & Deacy, P. S. (Supervisor), 21 Mar 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Animating Everyday Objects in Performance
Song, J. (Author), Heathfield, A. (Supervisor) & Szeman, I. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the lifeworld changes experienced by people whose HIV narratives are published on the Terrence Higgins Trust website
Mponda, O. (Author), McCormack, M. (Director of Studies) & Mooney, A. (Co-Supervisor), 10 Sept 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Investigation In To The Phenomenon Of The Black Madonna
Landman, M. R. (Author), Thomas, L. (Supervisor), Beattie, C. (Supervisor) & Balzani, M. (Supervisor), 18 Dec 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Antarctica in children’s literature
Moriarty, S. (Author), Teltscher, K. (Supervisor) & Carroll, J. (Supervisor), 13 Jun 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Pneumatological Study on an Elim Pentecostal Congregation’s Lived Experience of Spirit Baptism with ‘Signs Following’
Arthur, S. J. (Author), Muir, R. D. (Director of Studies) & Gotobed, J. (Co-Supervisor), 11 Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Apologiai, supplication and moral characterisation in Plutarch’s Lives
Day, J. (Author), Garcia Morcillo, M. (Director of Studies), Malik, S. (Co-Supervisor) & Dean, T. (Co-Supervisor), 31 Aug 2021Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Applying Relevance Theory and Multimodal Transcription to the Interlingual Subtitling of Politeness and Humour in the English-Chinese Language Pair: Hotel Babylon as a Case Study
Zhang, J. (Author), Kapsaskis, D. (Director of Studies) & Desblache, L. (Co-Supervisor), 21 Dec 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Are they getting the whole picture?: tactile books and what they offer children with visual impairment
Palmer, A. (Author), 7 Jul 2005Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A study of ordinary theologies of death in selected Pentecostal communities in Britain
Richards , L. G. (Author), MacDonald, N. (Director of Studies) & Burgess, R. (Co-Supervisor), 6 Jul 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A syntactic analysis of Arabic language interference in the written English of Saudi female college students
Alhajailan, D. (Author), Eppler, E. (Director of Studies) & Garner, M. (Supervisor), 10 Aug 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A theological analysis of children’s rights in the context of working children in South East Nigeria
Ezeonyeasi, I. (Author), Beattie, T. (Supervisor) & Burgess, R. (Supervisor), 31 Mar 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Attitudes to and Views of Parents and Teachers in Relation to Parental Involvement in the Saudi Arabian Preschool Contexts (with specific reference to mothers and female guardians)
Alsaeid, T. (Author), McCormack, M. (Director of Studies) & Guimaraes, A. (Co-Supervisor), 7 Feb 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Neves, J. (Author), 1 Aug 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Barn Dances, Ceilidhs, and Country Dancing in England 1945-2019 : An Examination of Non-Specialist English Social Folk Dance
Middleton-Metcalfe, C. E. (Author), Buckland, T. (Supervisor) & Houston, S. (Co-Supervisor), 21 Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Bearing Witness to a Whole Bunch of Murders: The Aesthetics of Perspective in the Friday the 13th Films
Clayton, G. W. (Author), Abbott, S. (Supervisor), Sutton, P. (Supervisor) & Chanan, M. (Supervisor), 16 Sept 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Being and becoming the church: organisational and ecclesiological perspectives on Renewal and Reform in the Church of England
Elford, K. A. (Author), Rogers, A. (Director of Studies) & Watkins, C. (Co-Supervisor), 6 Sept 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Being in contact: encountering a bare body
Greil-Möbius, M. (Author), Heathfield, A. (Supervisor) & Skantze, P. (Supervisor), 7 Feb 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Beyond Empire : The Transformation of U.S Trade and Commercial Policy toward Latin America during the Administrations of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt
Davidson, E. (Author), Cullinane, M. P. (Supervisor) & Sharples, C. (Co-Supervisor), 7 Jul 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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BITCH - the solo-cannibal practice: an anthropophagic study in solo dance making
Gonçalves Dias, A. (Author), Claid, E. (Director of Studies) & Houston, S. (Co-Supervisor), 11 Nov 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Black British Ballet: Race, Representation and Aesthetics
Bourne, S. M. (Author), Grau, A. (Supervisor) & Prickett, S. (Supervisor), 7 Nov 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Boko Haram/Islamic State: Mediating social identity and building a common cause through cyber-Jihad propaganda
Okika, C. (Author), Jermyn, D. (Director of Studies) & Rixon, P. (Co-Supervisor), 30 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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British Chekhov: an analysis of the United Kingdom’s 21st century national identity through contemporary reinterpretations of Anton Chekhov’s plays
Augusto Arboleda, D. (Author), Painter, S. (Supervisor), Abrams, J. (Supervisor) & White, G. (Supervisor), 7 Feb 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Carrying Queerness: Queerness, Performance and the Archive
Hunt, R. J. (Author), Kelleher, J. (Supervisor) & Skantze, P. (Supervisor), 13 Jun 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Changing perspectives through somatically informed dance praxis : reflections of one to one dance and Parkinson’s practice as home performance
Brierley, M. (Author), Claid, E. (Director of Studies) & Houston, S. (Supervisor), 31 Jul 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Children’s Neo-Romanticism: The Archaeological Imagination in British Post-War Children’s Fantasy
Campbell, N. (Author), Priestman, D. (Supervisor) & Waller, A. (Supervisor), 10 Oct 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Choreographing events: demolition, trace and encounter
Mikou, A. (Author), Meduri, A. (Supervisor) & Brown, C. (Supervisor), 31 May 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Compliment production and compliment responses in immersion and non-immersion environments: Saudi English learners
Alamri, S. (Author), Garner, M. (Director of Studies) & Beeching, K. (Supervisor), 10 Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Conflict and Development in Nigeria : Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Strategies towards the Niger Delta and Boko Haram Conflicts
Nwankpa, M. O. (Author), Shaw, M. (Supervisor) & Kent, G. (Supervisor), 7 Nov 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Construction of the dichotomy of Us versus Them in the news reports on the Ukrainian revolution Euromaidan 2014: corpus-driven discourse analysis of the American, Russian and Ukrainian media
Tubaltseva, S. (Author), Bayly, S. (Director of Studies), Biressi, A. (Co-Supervisor), Gupta, K. (Co-Supervisor) & Mooney, A. (Co-Supervisor), 14 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Counter-histories of queer-trans-feminist live art: A transversal cartography
Casalini, G. (Author), White, G. (Director of Studies), Szeman, I. (Co-Supervisor) & Roberts, E. (Co-Supervisor), 10 Sept 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Dance, Empowerment and Spirituality : An ethnography of Movement Medicine
Kieft, E. (Author), Grau, A. (Supervisor) & Pakes, A. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Dance Chronicles from Athens: Artistic Practices, Structures & Discourses in a Period of Crisis
Panagiotara, P. (Author), Bayly, S. (Supervisor) & Protopapa, E. (Supervisor), 8 Jan 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Dancing sites: ethics, agency, and the choreographic act
Kloetzel, M. (Author), Prickett, S. (Supervisor) & Wilkie, F. (Supervisor), 17 Dec 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Dancing the self: Cypriot sociocultural identity and contemporary choreography
Drogari, E. (Author), Prickett, S. (Supervisor) & David, A. R. (Supervisor), 25 Jan 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Dancing Through The Goldberg Variations: A Choreomusical Analysis of Works by Jerome Robbins, Pam Tanowitz, and Steve Paxton
Teeter, J. (Author), Kolb, A. (Director of Studies), Jordan, S. (Co-Supervisor) & Pakes, A. (Co-Supervisor), 29 Oct 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis