Activities per year
- 50 - 83 out of 83 results
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Relation of anxiety sensitivity to cognitive style during exercise.
DeWolfe, C. E. J. (Speaker), Watt, M. C. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker) & Stewart, S. H. (Speaker)
19 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Tactile Mis-perception
Sadibolova, R. (Speaker)
9 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Music’s charms vary by anxiety sensitivity levels
Pridy, C. B. (Speaker), Watt, M. C. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker), Lively, C. J. (Speaker) & Stewart, S. H. (Speaker)
18 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
A prebiotic intervention pilot study in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
Gibson, L. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2018 → 7 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
A Developmental Perspective of Sexual Sadism
Longpre, N. (Speaker), Guay, J.-P. (Speaker) & Knight , R. (Speaker)
25 Oct 2017 → 28 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
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Body representation in 3D
Sadibolova, R. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Cognitive deficits associated with obesity and diabetes: is poor glucoregulation responsible?
Gibson, L. (Speaker)
12 Jul 2017 → 14 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The end of the dimension versus taxon debate? Evidence for a dimensional structure of sexual sadism
Longpre, N. (Speaker), Guay, J.-P. (Speaker) & Knight , R. (Speaker)
17 Mar 2017 → 25 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
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It is not in the mind: Working with women and abuse. BPS Psychology of women section, Winsor, UK.
Bapir-Tardy, S. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Recollection, familiarity and the entorhinal cortex
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2016 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Scissors and razors: the psychological impacts of FGM. BPS Psychology of women section, Winsor, UK.
Bapir-Tardy, S. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Variables cognitivas discriminativas entre el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y el trastorno de ansiedad por separación en tres muestras subclínicas de niños y adolescentes.
Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker), Godoy, A. (Speaker) & Gavino Lázaro, A. (Speaker)
18 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Exploring qualitative aspects of memory function in a patient with a selective lesion to the entorhinal cortex.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Adaptación española del Not Just Right Experiences Questionnaire-Revised para población infanto-juvenil
Reyes, S. (Speaker), Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker), Godoy, A. (Speaker) & Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Effect on treatment compliance and effectiveness of two brief group interventions in a Spanish ICBT program for depression in primary care
Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker), Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker) & Mayoral-Cleries, F. (Speaker)
2 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Effects of glucose administration on medial temporal lobe memory function.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2015 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Efecto diferenciado de la psicoeducación y de la exposición y prevención de respuesta en la terapia cognitivo-conductual del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo infanto-juvenil y estudio de variables moderadoras del tratamiento.
Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker) & Gavino Lázaro, A. (Speaker)
20 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index for Children (ASIC)
Godoy, A. (Speaker), Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker) & Gavino Lázaro, A. (Speaker)
23 Jul 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Brain Fueling and Memory Function symposium
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Forgetting emotional and neutral words: An ERP study
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Propiedades psicométricas de la lista de síntomas de la Children Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS-SL).
Godoy Avila, A. (Speaker), Gavino Lázaro, A. (Speaker), Nogueira Arjona, R. (Speaker) & Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker)
15 Nov 2013Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Exploring the role of the parahippocampal gyrus in recollection and familiarity: some preliminary data.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Selective impairment of familiarity in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Exploring the roles of recollection and familiarity in two patients with selective damage to the mediodorsal nucleus.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2010 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The effects of directed forgetting on emotional and neutral words.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2009 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Investigating manipulations of facial processing on subjective experiences.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2008 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Expertise and recollective experience: Recognition memory for familiar and unfamiliar academic subjects
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Subjective experiences and levels of processing in a case of developmental amnesia.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Using semantic memory to boost “episodic” recall in a case of developmental amnesia.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The role of subjective experience in a case of developmental amnesia
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2004 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Memory for Distinctive Faces and Forenames: The Role of Subjective Experience.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2003 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Recognizing Others: Facial Distinctiveness and Person Memory
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2001 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
What’s in a face? Target Distinctiveness and Phenomenological Experience.
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2001 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience