Activities per year
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The Year 1 AD: surviving the first year "after doctorate"
Lamont, A. (Speaker)
8 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Reconceptualising professional development in early childhood education and care. A preliminary exploration of the data on practitioners’ impressions of identity, professional development and professionalism in the UK
Scacchi, V. (Speaker)
18 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The role of music in assembling a vase painting
Smith, A. C. (Speaker) & Volioti, K. (Speaker)
22 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Teaching ancient culture to young children
Volioti, K. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Gender Differences in Physical Activity are Partially Explained by Anxiety Sensitivity
DeWolfe, C. E. J. (Speaker), Watt, M. C. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker) & Stewart, S. H. (Speaker)
13 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Relation of anxiety sensitivity to cognitive style during exercise.
DeWolfe, C. E. J. (Speaker), Watt, M. C. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker) & Stewart, S. H. (Speaker)
19 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Tactile Mis-perception
Sadibolova, R. (Speaker)
9 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Children’s wellbeing policy discourses across four cultural contexts
Tang, F. (Speaker), Rubiano, C. (Speaker) & Guimaraes, S. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2018 → 13 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
“‘Black and White Are One’: Roma Slaves and the Nation in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Romanian Theatre”
Szeman, I. (Speaker)
Dec 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The 2018 Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology: Making Science, Technology and Society Together
Lin, Y. (Speaker)
25 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The bruised aesthetic: Intersectional feminist approaches to unspeakable experience on screen
Bainbridge, C. (Speaker)
12 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Who will fix it for us? Toxic celebrity and the therapeutic dynamics of media culture
Bainbridge, C. (Speaker)
26 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Music’s charms vary by anxiety sensitivity levels
Pridy, C. B. (Speaker), Watt, M. C. (Speaker), Romero Sanchiz, P. (Speaker), Lively, C. J. (Speaker) & Stewart, S. H. (Speaker)
18 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
A prebiotic intervention pilot study in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
Gibson, L. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2018 → 7 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
English, Portuguese, Chinese, Colombian and Danish early childhood curricula policies perspectives within the context of the OECD’s Early Learning (and Wellbeing) Study
Brogaard Clausen, S. (Speaker), Guimaraes, S. (Speaker), Tang, F. (Speaker) & Rubiano, C. (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
‘Questions of Diversity in the work of Selina Thompson, Jamila Johnson-Small and Season Butler’ International
Gorman, S. (Speaker)
9 Jun 2018 → 13 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The Task of Listening
Fernandes Rosa, C. (Speaker)
6 May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Quagmire: Lyndon Johnson and the Escalation in Vietnam
Cullinane, M. P. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Illegal gold extraction in Kyrgyzstan
Botoeva, G. (Speaker)
13 Aug 2018 → 15 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Missiological Reflections on Immigration
Clark, D. (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
"Can we read more? I'm getting excited!" Making Space for a Small Press Comic in the Primary Classroom
Ghosh, K. (Speaker)
21 Sept 2017 → 22 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
“Meaningless secretaries and humourless bitches”: Mad Men and mediations of women’s work, gender politics, and the vexed question of feminism
Bainbridge, C. (Speaker)
6 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The effect of stride length manipulation on loading in habitual runners: A case study.
Diss, C. (Speaker)
5 Jul 2017 → 8 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
International Conference on Polyphenols and Health
Corona, G. (Speaker)
3 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
A Developmental Perspective of Sexual Sadism
Longpre, N. (Speaker), Guay, J.-P. (Speaker) & Knight , R. (Speaker)
25 Oct 2017 → 28 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
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The influence of religion on attitudes towards redistribution and welfare: Evidence from Great Britain
Drinkwater, S. (Speaker)
6 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Body representation in 3D
Sadibolova, R. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Voice as Death Mask: Beckett's What Where and Lang's The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
Paraskeva, A. (Speaker)
Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Creative Writing Reading Series, University of Kent, Canterbury
Hilson, J. (Invited speaker)
Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Tertullian on Divine Sovereignty and Free Will: A Christian/Stoic Resolution
Clark, D. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The visual language of (Hesiod’s) creation in children’s books
Volioti, K. (Invited speaker)
14 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Biomechanics expert reveals secret behind Usain Bolt’s sprinting success
Diss, C. (Speaker)
2 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Analysing the content of children’s voices in the Education, Health and Care plans using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Castro, S. (Speaker) & Palikara, O. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
‘‘Frames of Legibility: Ambiguous Irony”
Gorman, S. (Speaker)
30 Aug 2017 → 1 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Heranças e Diásporas Afro-ameríndias nos Estudos de Danças Brasileiras nos EUA e na Europa: Fluxos e Refluxos
Fernandes Rosa, C. (Speaker)
10 Nov 2017 → 11 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Law as a Catalyst for Stimulating Investor Sentiments among Low to Middle-Income Individuals in the Development of Infrastructure in Nigeria’
Arimoro, A. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Inclusivity and Diversity in UK Classics
McHardy, F. (Speaker)
17 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
‘Fictional Representations of the African presence in Georgian Britain’ (contribution to ‘Black Georgians’ Roundtable Discussion)
Bryan, J. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Concentrated Attention: The British Dominions and Alliance Warfare in the Second World War
Johnston-White, I. (Speaker)
7 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Exploring student teachers’ capacity to develop links between arts disciplines through the use of comics in the primary classroom.
Ghosh, K. (Speaker) & Ogier, S. (Speaker)
17 Mar 2017 → 1 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Psychoanalysis, binge-watching, and the politics of gender
Bainbridge, C. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Capturing the voices of children and young people under the new special educational needs system in the UK: challenges and opportunities for educational psychologists
Palikara, O. (Speaker) & Castro, S. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
EU Migration and the Transformation of the UK Labour Market in the Twenty-First Century
Drinkwater, S. (Speaker)
28 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Cognitive deficits associated with obesity and diabetes: is poor glucoregulation responsible?
Gibson, L. (Speaker)
12 Jul 2017 → 14 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
The end of the dimension versus taxon debate? Evidence for a dimensional structure of sexual sadism
Longpre, N. (Speaker), Guay, J.-P. (Speaker) & Knight , R. (Speaker)
17 Mar 2017 → 25 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
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What is employability for writers?
Greenberg, S. (Invited speaker)
3 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
‘God of Thunder: The Remarkable Testimony Of Shango Cans, African, Being A Full And True Account Of His Lives, Loves And Dreams In Diverse Lands And Circumstances’
Bryan, J. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
It is not in the mind: Working with women and abuse. BPS Psychology of women section, Winsor, UK.
Bapir-Tardy, S. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Recollection, familiarity and the entorhinal cortex
Brandt, K. (Speaker)
2016 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
An Analysis of the Quality of the Education Health and Care Plans in England: Preliminary Findings.
Castro, S. (Speaker) & Palikara, O. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience