Projects per year
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PoC: Confession is good for the soul? Practices of confession in charismatic evangelical networks in the UK
Rogers, A. (PI)
1/01/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Faith Long Lived: An Ecumenical Study of Experiences of Saying Creeds among Older Christians
Cocksworth, A. (PI), Rogers, A. (CoI) & Watkins, C. (CoI)
1/01/22 → 1/07/23
Project: Research
T&T: Traditions and Trajectories of British and Irish Practical Theology as evidenced in the history of BIAPT's journal
Rogers, A. (CoI), Cameron, H. (CoI), Slee, N. (CoI) & Roberts, S. (PI)
1/01/19 → 31/07/19
Project: Research
Signs of Wonder: Iconography and Aesthetics of New Black Majority Churches
Burgess, R. (CoI) & Rogers, A. (PI)
1/10/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
FPN: AHRC Faith and Place network
Rogers, A. (PI) & Gale, R. (CoI)
1/09/14 → 31/07/16
Project: Research
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