Carrie Winstanley

Carrie Winstanley

Professor of Pedagogy

  • 228 Grove House, Froebel


Research activity per year

Personal profile


I currently work predominantly with undergraduate education students across a range of courses. These include modules tackling social psychology in education, pedagogy and classroom practice, special and inclusive education for children with different educational needs (particularly high ability and learning difficulties). I teach a module on education outside the classroom, with a focus on museum and gallery education and co-teach about children and the media. I also work with postgraduate students, mainly through supervision and guest lectures on different modules.

I have various other roles in the School of Education, such as Learning and Teaching lead, Library Representative and Disciplinary Officer.

Work with children and families: I have a decade of experience of teaching in schools, including experience in the maintained, independent and international sectors. I continue to run family workshops in museums and galleries, as well as children's activities.


Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2014)

HEA National Teaching Fellow  (2008) 

PhD (London, 2004)

MA (Surrey, 1997) 

National Froebel Foundation Certificate (1996) 

MPhil (Cantab, 1990)

BEd Hons (CNAA, 1989) 

Research interests

I am particularly interested in:

  • ethics of provision for 'more able children'
  • equality of challenge
  • pedagogy and classroom practice 
  • museum, gallery and outdoor education 
  • philosophy with children and with teachers
  • distinctive schools and their philosophies
  • learning and teaching in all age phases 
  • assessment in Higher Education

Professional affiliations

National Teaching Fellow (Higher Education Academy) 

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

Executive Council Member of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain

Philosophy of Education Society (USA)

British Education Research Association

European Council for High Ability

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children

Consultancy work

I am able to deliver professional development sessions or programmes for teachers on a variety of subjects, with an appropriate mix of useful practical ideas and strong theoretical grounding. I particularly enjoy visiting schools where the needs of more able pupils (with/without additional learning needs) are being addressed.

I have led teams undertaking evaluations of museum work and reviewing professional development for teachers of the able. I have acted as a consultant on various government education projects (particularly around the needs of able children from disadvantged backgrounds or with learning difficulties). I regularly work with Local Authorities concerning providing challenge for pupils in schools.

External positions

External Examiner, University of Glasgow

1 Oct 201830 Sept 2022

External Examiner, Oxford Brookes University

1 Sept 201431 Aug 2017

Maternity Leave

20 Feb 201120 Feb 2012

External Examiner, Middlesex University

1 Sept 200631 Aug 2010

Lecturer / Examiner, Kingston University

1 Sept 200031 Aug 2004