Activities per year
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TECHNE PhD Training Event - Using Generative AI for Research in Arts and Humanities
Lin, Y. (Organiser), Kapsaskis, D. (Organiser), Bouzoubaa, K. (Keynote/plenary speaker), Cox, A. (Keynote/plenary speaker), Araujo, A. (Keynote/plenary speaker) & Berry, M. (Keynote/plenary speaker)
17 Jan 2025Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
10 May 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Invited talk to the Korean Association of Translation Studies. Title: “Intercultural communication in the translation of audiovisual and promotional texts”. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul.
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
31 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Invited speaker in conference "Translation in transnational cinema and global media" (University of Liverpool). Paper presented: "Creative subtitling as film-transformative practice: Edgar Pêra’s subtitles for The Baron (2011)"
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Invited speaker in conference "Convergence: Human-machine integration in translation and interpreting" (University of Surrey). Paper presented: "Who's afraid of creativity? Creative subtitling as film-transformative practice."
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
2 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Guest talk (University Leicester): Creative subtitling as film-transformative practice: from immersion to amazement in Edgar Pêra’s The baron
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
17 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Syn-Thèses journal (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) (External organisation)
Kapsaskis, D. (Member)
2022 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Participation in workshop: Translating Academia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
3 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Participation in conference "Languages and the Media 2021" (Berlin). Paper presented: "Conceptualising media translation in the creative industries: A new domain of practice and research"
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
20 Sept 2021 → 24 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Awards committee member: Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) awards
Kapsaskis, D. (Consultant)
18 Mar 2020Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Affiliation to non-academic organisation
Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group (Publisher)
Kapsaskis, D. (Guest editor)
30 Dec 2020Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial Activity
The Journal of Specialised Translation (Journal)
Kapsaskis, D. (Guest editor)
Jan 2018Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial Activity
Lecture at City University (MA Audiovisual Translation and Popular Culture). Lecture title: Subtitling science fiction: Star Trek TOS
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
5 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Cambridge Scholars (Publisher)
Kapsaskis, D. (Peer reviewer)
25 Jan 2018Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Conference organising (with A. Rizzo): Translation as a creative practice in contexts of crisis (Europe House, London) Funded by European Commission in the UK.
Kapsaskis, D. (Organiser) & Rizzo, A. (Organiser)
26 May 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Participation in conference "Colloque 2017 de la Société des Professeurs français et francophones d’Amérique (SPFFA)" (Graduate Center, CUNY). Paper presented: "Yourcenar and the limits of authenticity: Re-reading Mémoires d’Hadrien from a Sartrean perspective"
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
27 Apr 2017 → 28 Apr 2017Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Video interview on audiovisual translation for the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED)
Kapsaskis, D. (Interviewee)
May 2017Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Media Article or Participation
Invited speaker in conference: “Translation as Communication, (Re-)narration and (Trans-)creation” (University of Palermo). Paper presented: “Translation as a critical tool in film analysis”
Kapsaskis, D. (Invited speaker)
16 May 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Radio Interview: BBC Radio 4, “The Film Programme”
Kapsaskis, D. (Interviewee)
6 Oct 2016Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Media Article or Participation
Participation in conference "8th European Society for Translation Studies Congress 2016" (University of Aarhus). Paper presented "Translation as a critical tool for film analysis: Watching Yorgos Lanthimos' Dogtooth (2009) through a translational prism."
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
15 Sept 2016 → 17 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Plenary talk at "Translating Europe Workshop: Meet in Subtitling" (University of Nicosia). Title of talk: Audiovisual translation: Its cultural importance and future potential.
Kapsaskis, D. (Keynote speaker)
15 Oct 2015 → 16 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Participation in conference "Authenticity and Imitation in Translation and Culture" (SWPS University, Warsaw). Paper presented "Translating the Narrative, Redeeming the Human: Marguerite Yourcenar’s Reconceptualization of Authenticity in Memoirs of Hadrian"
Kapsaskis, D. (Speaker)
7 May 2015 → 9 May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Oral presentation for an academic audience
Participation in documentary: The Invisible Subtitler (Aliakbar Campwala, 2013)
Kapsaskis, D. (Interviewee)
2013Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Media Article or Participation
Synthesis (Journal)
Kapsaskis, D. (Guest editor)
2012Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial Activity
Editorial Board member of The Journal of Specialised Translation (External organisation)
Kapsaskis, D. (Member)
2008 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board