Projects per year
Personal profile
Senior Lecturer with a strong international background and experience
Over 2 decades of experience in academia, business and with NGOs
Research track record in the field of social contexts of communication
Founder and Managing Partner of a leading strategic communication agency
Organized and creative personality
2011 – 2014 ELTE Budapest University, Faculty of Social Sciences
PhD in Sociology
Thesis Title: Risk and Benefit Perceptions in the Communication Narratives of Nuclear Energy in Hungary
1993 Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
PG Certificate of Business Studies
1980 – 1986 Budapest Corvinus University, Faculty of International Business
MSc in Economics
Dissertation Title: The Effects of Joint Ventures on Hungarian Corporate Culture
10 / 2019 - University of Roehampton, Business School
Senior Lecturer in Marketing Communications
- Module convenor for Management Consultancy Skills (UG), Global Marketing (UG), Sales, Advertising and PR (UG) and Emerging Digital Issues (PG)
- Programme Convenor of MSc Digital Marketing
- Co-managing the Short Courses portfolio of RBS
- Development of Digital Immersion, a concept response to the COVID-19 pandemic
09 / 2017 - 09 / 2019: RMIT University Vietnam
Senior Programme Manager, Professional Communication
Senior Lecturer in UG modules of Communication Research Methodology, Issues Management and Professional PR Practice
- Leadership of the discipline, including overview of teaching and learning outcomes, student experience, quality assurance, strategic planning initiatives, and proactive engagement with stakeholder communities
- Leadership of the Public Relations stream, including overview of course contents, consistency and delivery
- Managing course and programme review and amendment processes and policies, in liaison with RMIT Melbourne
- Developing a research-based culture through individual and collaborative research activities
- Pursuing own research trajectory
- Developing and maintaining an active teaching role
8 / 2016 – 8 / 2017: University of Worcester, Worcester Business School
Senior Lecturer (FT)
- Module convening in the BA Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations programme
- Member of Business Outreach committee
5 / 2015 – 8 / 2016: University of Worcester, Worcester Business School
Senior Lecturer (sessional teaching)
Lecturing and related academic and administrative tasks of undergraduate Public Relations modules
4 / 2015 - 6 / 2016: University of Wolverhampton
Senior Lecturer (0.6 FTE)
- Joint Course Leader MA in Public Relations and Corporate Communications
- Leader of the PR and the Public, The PR Agency, and the Public Relations Dissertation module
- Supervisor to seven student thesis works over various subjects
- Acting Employability Champion of the School of Media
- Coordinator of proposing team of a new BA (Hons) in Public Relations programme, with specialization in sustainability and ethics
10 / 1993 - 5 / 2015: PeppeR 21 PR Consultancy
Managing Partner
- Providing strategic direction and management of the consultancy
- Directed and managed national and cross-border campaigns in the fields of technology, health care, telecommunications, IT, energy, food industry, agriculture, tourism and logistics
- Developed campaigns focusing on complex social issues such as public health, science awareness, infrastructure development, telecom liberalisation, food safety and EU accession
- Designed and provided strategic communication services in corporate communications, media relations, employee relations, employer branding, CSR, issues and crisis management as well as communication management
- Planned and delivered executive training programmes in the fields of personal communication, crisis management, presentation skills and media relations.
2008 - 2015: International Business School, Budapest
Senior Lecturer
- Contributed to the design and development of Public Relations module on BSc level (Oxford Brookes University accredited) and of Digital Marketing and Corporate Communications module on MSc level (University of Buckingham accredited)
- Participated in the adaptation of the MSc in Corporate Communications programme (University of Buckingham accredited), started in 2015
1991 - 1992: HUNGEXPO, Budapest
PR director
Developed and managed corporate PR strategy, including integration of corporate and event communication, repositioning of HUNGEXPO and strategic communication support to the privatization process of the company
1990 -1991: Grey Communications International Tabori, Budapest
1984 - 1985: AIESEC International, Brussels
Vice President Programmes and Publications
- Developed and coordinated global student programmes in the field of personal development, social responsibility and corporate challenges
- Edited the publications, newsletters and the Annual Report of the organization
- Provided support to fundraising, networking and stakeholder management
3 / 2021 - University of Hertfordshire
External Examiner – BA Mass Communications
12 / 2020 - University of Salford
External Examiner - MA Public Relations and Digital Communications
10 / 2016 - 12 / 2019: Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), London, UK
Chief Examiner
- Undertaking external moderation duties within the guidelines laid down by the CIPR Awarding Body
- Providing written feedback to study centres on their standards in relation to the application of marking criteria and internal moderation, and appropriateness and usefulness of written feedback to students
- Making recommendations and taking part in the decision making for the approval of grades to the Board of Examiners
- Provide general, and, where necessary, specific guidance to centres for improving marking and internal moderation standards
Senior Fellow, HEA, February 2021
External Examiner, Advance HE, July 2020
Coach and Mentor, ILM, March 2019
PUBLICATIONS (selected list)
Sarlós, G (2021) Hated in the Nation. A Phantasma of a Post-Climate Change World. In: Duarte, G.A., Battin, J.M. (Eds.), Reading »Black Mirror« (309-324). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Fekete, M. – Sarlós, G. (2019) Seeing the Unseen: The Chernobyl Imprint on the Hungarian Public Sphere, Journal of Public Affairs, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, DOI: 10.1002/pa.1931
Ferencz, Z. – Sarlós, G. (2018) Climate Change and Urban Youth Crisis Awareness, A World in Crisis: The Role of Public Relations, Bled, University of Ljubljana, conference proceedings,
Fekete, M. – Sarlós, G. (2018) Surpassing the Era of Disengaged Acceptance: The Future of Public Discourse on Nuclear Energy, Central European Journal of Communication, Vol 11. No 1 (20). Wroclaw: PCA, DOI: 10.19195/1899-5101.11.1(20).5
Sarlós, G (2015) ‘Risk Perception and Political Alienism: Political Discourse on the Future of Nuclear Energy in Hungary’, Central European Journal of Communication, Vol 8. No 1 (14). Wroclaw: PCA
Sarlós, G (2015) A közvéleménykutatások szerepe a magyarországi atomenergia diskurzusok alakításában (The Role of Opinion Polls in Shaping Public Discourse on Nuclear Energy in Hungary), Jelkép, 2015/1, Budapest: Magyar Kommunikációtudományi Társaság
Sarlós, G. (2014) ‘Risk and Benefit Perceptions in the Discourse on Nuclear Energy’, Saarbrücken: LAP Lamberts
Sarlós, G. – Szondi, Gy. (2014) ‘Crisis communication during the red sludge spill disaster in Hungary—a media content analysis-based investigation’, Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 15, no 3 pp. 277–286, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
Sarlós, G. (2014) Értékválasztás és atomenergia, Nemzeti szempont (Value choice and nuclear energy, in: Prazsák, G. ed. National Perspective), Budapest: ELTE University
Fekete, M. – Sarlós, G. (2013): ‘Identitás és elutasítás – előítéletesség az európai országokban’ (Identity and refusal - presence of prejudice in European countries), Belvedere Meridionale, Vol 25. No. 2. pp. 32–44. Szeged: Belvedere (online version downloadable:
Sarlós, G. (2013): ‘The issue of safety and security in the discourse about nuclear energy in Hungary’, In: Szilágyi, T. ed. The culture of safety and defense, Gödöllő: Szt István University (downloadable at:
Sarlós, G. (2013): ‘Romák az Európai Unióban: Problémák, megoldások, médiakép’, Társadalmi Együttélés (Romani in the European Union: Problems, solutions, media representation, Social Coexistence) Vol. 2013. No. 2. (downloadable:
CONFERENCES (selected list)
Sarlós, G: The use of asynchronous video discussions in content co-creation, A new era of (digital) teaching: Theory, Creativity and Responsibility in Communication Education, ECREA OSC conference, Cologne, Germany, 9-10 February, 2022
Sarlós, G: Climate Change and COVID 19: Local Responses to Global Phenomena, Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures. 15th ESA conference, Barcelona, Spain, 31 August-3 September, 2021
Ferencz, Z. – Sarlós, G: Trust, leadership, communication: parameter setting for action against climate change, Bledcom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, 4-6 July, 2019
Sarlós, G: Control of the chain: the citizen energy ownership model, Energy and Society in Transition: 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science 2019, 28-31 May, 2019, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Sarlós, G: Leadership Challenges in Building Urban Youth Climate Change Awareness, IRCMALS 2018, 20-21 November 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ferencz, Z. – Sarlós, G: Climate Change and Urban Youth Crisis Alertness, Bledcom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, 5-8 July, 2018
Sarlós, G: Sustainability and the Missing ‘P’, Bledcom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, 30 June – 2 July, 2017
Sarlós, G.: Role of Media in Preempting Nuclear Crisis Situations, Media and Communication in and after the Global Crisis, ESA RN 18 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 17-18 October, 2014
Sarlós, G.: Erő és erőtlenség a magyarországi atomenergia diskurzusban, “Kulcskérdések” konferencia, (Power and weakness in the Hungarian nuclear discourse, Key Questions conference), ELTE, Budapest, 4 April, 2014.
Sarlós, G.: From Technological Disaster to Social Crisis: an Analysis of the Red Sludge Catastrophe, ESA Conference 2013 – Crisis, Critique and Change, Torino, Italy, 29 August, 2013.
Sarlós Gábor: Atomenergia és közbeszéd Magyarországon, Kulcskérdések konferencia (Nuclear energy and public discourse, Key Questions conference), ELTE TÁTK, Budapest, 24 May, 2012.
University of Roehampton, Southlands Methodist Trust (2022)
Growth Outlook for Family Businesses: A Study of the Local Business Community in South West London
Amount: £4.000
RMIT, Internal Research Grant (2018)
Marketing Local Fashion: Identifying Strategies to Promote Vietnamese Brands in an Internationally Dominated Market
Amount: $10.000
RMIT, Professional Development Funding (2018)
Ferencz, Z. – Sarlós, G: Climate Change and Urban Youth Crisis Alertness, Bledcom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, presentation
Amount: $2.500 (funding of participation)
Worcester Business School (2017)
Sarlós, G: Sustainability and the Missing ‘P’, Bledcom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, presentation
Amount: $1.100 (funding of participation)
International Business School (2014)
Sarlós, G.: Role of Media in Preempting Nuclear Crisis Situations, Media and Communication in and after the Global Crisis, ESA RN 18 Conference, Bucharest, Romania, presentation
Amount: $1.000 (funding of participation)
Certificate of Recognition, Hungarian Business Leaders Forum, January 2014
Certificate of Recognition for the initiative in developing and executing on a pro bono communication campaign for the first job fair for people with disabilities.
Best of BSA, Business Software Alliance, September 2008
BSA Award, 2008, for the best European communications agency for the outstanding work in raising awareness about intellectual property in Hungary.
Golden World Award, International Public Relations Association, July 2002
IPRA Golden World Awards, 2002, for the ‘Change for the Small’ campaign for UNICEF Hungary.
"Raise our Hat" award, Association of Hungarian PR Agencies, September 2002 for the ‘Change for the Small’ campaign for UNICEF Hungary.
European Sociological Association (ESA), with membership in:
- Research Network 12: Environment and Society
- Research Network 18: Sociology of Communications and Media Research
Higher Education Academy (HEA, senior fellow)
Coaching and Mentorship (ILM, fellow)
MECCSA - Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association, UK
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Vice President, Hungarian PR Association, 1991-92, 1994-95
Member Emeritus, Hungarian PR Association, 2016
Member of the Board, Hungarian Autism Foundation, 1996-97
President of the Board, Hungarian UNICEF Foundation, 2011-2012
External positions
Chief Examiner, CIPR
5 Aug 2016 → …
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 1 Finished
Growth Outlook for Family Businesses under Uncertainty: An Exploratory Study of the Local Business Community in South West London
Parhi, M. (PI) & Sarlos, G. (CoI)
1/09/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Atomenergiával a klímaválság ellen? A fenntarthatósági érv az Európai Unió taxonómia vitájában
Egres, D. & Sarlos, G., 4 Jun 2024, In: Információs Társadalom. 24, 2024/1, p. 56-74 19 p.Translated title of the contribution :Nuclear response to the climate challenge?: The sustainability argument in the European Union taxonomy debate Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access -
Effective strategies adopted by Vietnamese fashion brands for brand image creation in a global competitive marketplace
Lan, L., Rajkishore, N. & Sarlos, G., 27 Jan 2023, (Submitted) In: Journal of Marketing Management.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
From Radioactive Blue to Sustainable Green: Arguments about Nuclear Energy in the EU Taxonomy
Sarlos, G. & Egres, D., 28 Feb 2023, (Submitted) In: Environmental Communication.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Nuclear perceptions from radioactive blue to sustainable green: The EU taxonomy as reflection of a divided public
Egres, D. & Sarlós, G., 23 Nov 2023, In: Journal of Public Affairs.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access -
A vörösiszap-katasztrófa lezárult, felejtsük el? A válság hosszútávú bizalmi és kommunikációs hatásai
Sarlos, G. & Fekete, M., 4 Dec 2022, In: Studia Wespremiensia. 23, p. 207 234 p.Translated title of the contribution :The red sludge catastrophe is over: let us forget about it?: Long-term credibility and communication effects of the crisis Research output: Contribution to journal › Special issue › peer-review
Open AccessFile43 Downloads (Pure)
15th conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA)
Sarlos, G. (Participant)
31 Aug 2021 → 3 Sept 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
File -
ECREA 8th European Communication Conference
Sarlos, G. (Speaker)
8 Sept 2021 → 9 Sept 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
File -
Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce (External organisation)
Sarlos, G. (Chair)
Nov 2019 → Feb 2023Activity: Membership › Membership of network
Online interviews are game changers: here’s how to crack them
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media