Activities per year
- 25 results
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Performing spectral violence: a materialist approach to visual image ecologies
Lin, Y. (Director of Studies), Kelleher, J. (Supervisor) & Palladini, G. (Co-supervisor)
Oct 2022 → …Activity: Examinations › PhD Supervision
The materiality of learning: on translation, radical indiscipline and epistemological care
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
22 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Against a logic of scarcity: reverse strike, striking in and operations of militant abundance
Palladini, G. (Speaker) & Graziano, V. (Speaker)
11 Feb 2021Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Suely Rolnik
Palladini, G. (Host)
30 Jun 2021Activity: Hosting a visitor › Hosting an academic visitor
Against a logic of scarcity: on militant abundance
Palladini, G. (Advisor) & Graziano, V. (Speaker)
1 Oct 2021Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
“A striking Abundance: A workshop on the Political Imaginaries of Striking Otherwise”,
Palladini, G. (Advisor) & Graziano, V. (Advisor)
14 Feb 2021Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Workshop and other training
Possession without property: the unwork of Chiara Fumai
Palladini, G. (Advisor)
9 Oct 2021Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Queer Feminist Currents: Feminismos Antipatriarcales and Poetic Disobedience
Palladini, G. (Organiser), Casalini, G. (Organiser), Fernandes Rosa, C. (Organiser), Botto, H. (Organiser), Marugan, P. (Chair), Rocha, C. (Keynote/plenary speaker) & Diaz, B. (Keynote/plenary speaker)
9 Jun 2021 → 10 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic workshop, seminar, course
Examination of the practice-based PhD ‘Yes, address me as a location’ by Juli Reinartz
Palladini, G. (External Examiner)
18 Sept 2021Activity: Examinations › Examination
Against a logic of scarcity: reverse strike, striking in and operations of militant abundance
Palladini, G. (Advisor) & Graziano, V. (Speaker)
14 Jun 2021Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Exercises on political imagination
Palladini, G. (Advisor)
20 Feb 2020 → 26 Feb 2020Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Workshop and other training
Breaking time: conversations from isolation. Conversation between Giulia Palladini and Rolf Abderhalden)
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2020 → …Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Descripción, imaginación, crítica: sobre teatro y separación
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
6 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
“Towards a domestics of performance"
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
On naming, unnaming and namelessness (seminar)
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2018 → 21 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The free time of the nameless: on waiting, leisure, and accidental work in times of crisis
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
1 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Towards a domestics of performance
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
13 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The labor and leisure of foreplay: on pleasure, value and event in artistic production
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
20 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Efectos y afectos de distanciamiento: el distanciamiento como como praxis de transformación
Palladini, G. (Keynote speaker)
19 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Performance and its Discontents: towards a Poietic Capacity of Living Labor
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
19 Jan 2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Imaginar archivos: políticas de uso, afecto y reproducción
Palladini, G. (Invited speaker)
30 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Testing the Present, Delaying the Future: on Work, Metrics and Value in Times of Crisis'
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
29 Apr 2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Mapa teatro: storia, allegria e la politica del montaggio
Palladini, G. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
La labor del juego previo: sobre la materialidad y la desobediencia del placer
Palladini, G. (Invited speaker)
3 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Engagement as theorist in the "Digital and Distanced Dance Potentialities Residency", hosted by Movement Art Practice (Christchurch, New Zealand)
Palladini, G. (Advisor)
31 Aug 2001 → 30 Sept 2001Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Other