Research output per year
Research output per year
Research activity per year
Karine Chevalier is Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone studies/ and Film at Roehampton since 2007. She is as well a filmmaker.
- Director, editor: Paradoxes (8 minutes), short film, London, 2018.
- Director, editor : Behind the scenes/ Les Arcanes de l'Institut Français du Royaume-Uni (22 mins), produced by Anissa Rachef, screened at Cine Lumiere, London, 2012.
- Producer, director, script writer, Origines du monde(6 mins) short film, London, 2010.
- Co-director, editor and script writer, Lost tango (74 mins) feature film, produced by Red River, London, 2010. Screened at the International Film Festival Ireland, Heart of England International Film Festival, International Film Festival South Africa, International Film Festival Egypt. Winner of first feature film award at the 2011 Swansea Bay Film Festival,
- Assistant-director, editor, composer, Like Always (15 mins), short film, produced by Mohammad Abdi, London, 2009. Screened in New-Zeland.
- Composer,soundtracks for short film, Darkslide, 2004, dir. Jörg Wagner, screened at the Latin American Film Festival (2004).
Karine holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Stendhal University Grenoble III (France), a BA in Film Practice and Aesthetics from Paris I Sorbonne (France), an MA and a DEA in Research on the Imaginary. She has gained a Ph.D in Comparative Literature co-supervised in France (Grenoble University) and the UK (University of Westminster) entitled “Poetics of Memory: Trace, Mask, Palimpsest, Chaos in the Novels of Nabile Farès, Juan Rulfo, Daniel Maximin and Salman Rushdie”. This study focuses mainly on Francophone, Mexican and Anglo-Indian literature. She proposed a method for analysing literature which holds memory to be central both to the themes and to the stylistic features of the text.
The Higher Education Academy
TECHNE peer reviewer
External Examinor : BA (Hons) Film Production- theory, BA Film and Screen Studies and the MA Filmmaking (University for the Creative Arts, 2020-2024); BA French-Modern Languages and European Studies (University of Bath, 2021-2025)
The Centre for Research in Arts and Creative Exchange (School of Arts, Roehampton University)
Her main research interests are in the field of Transnational Cinema, French and Francophone Cinema, Visual Arts and Aesthetics, Transcreation, Postcolonial Studies as well as Screenwriting and Filmmaking, with a specific focus on Violence and Resilience, Creative Voices and Intermediality, Digital Storytelling and Multiscreens, Youth in cinema, Alterities and Minorities, Cinema in Corsica, Sustainability, Moving (auto)portait and Masks. She has published two monographs on memory from both imaginative and cultural perspectives (La Mémoire et l'Absent. Nabile Farès et Juan Rulfo de la Trace au Palimpseste. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008; La Mémoire et le Présent. Daniel Maximin et Salman Rushdie du Masque au Chaos. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010) as well as numerous articles about French and Francophone literature (Nabile Farès, Assia Djebar, Abdelkebir Khatibi, Daniel Maximin, Jérôme Ferrari) and cinema (Bertrand Bonello, Celine Sciamma, Chantal Akerman, Jean Gremillon, Georges Franju, Tony Gatlif, Thierry de Peretti, Jafar Panahi, Panah Panahi). The main focus of her multidisciplinary research is about the use and representation of Masks. Other interests include the Arts, Intermediality, Broken Faces, Insularity from local to global expression, representation of Violence, Youth in cinema, cinema and literature in Corsica.
Dr Karine Chevalier has most recently focused her research on the representation of violence and its link to the experience of resilience and its impact in a transglobal context. This has been mainly applied to films, as well as literature in the French and Francophone context. She combines postcolonial theories and research on intermediality (see “De la parole déflagrée à la parole dessinée : La Jeune Femme et la Mort - Nabile Farès et Kamel Khélif” and “From Joseph Conrad to Chantal Akerman: Language in Exile and Cinematic Displacement”, “Reframing violence in Corsica: cinema as mask and mirror”). She has built upon her previous research on masks (see “Les gueules cassées ou l’éthique de l’écran crevé : du masque au visage cinématographique” and new work on “ The Mask in Bertrand Bonello’s films. Facing the ‘improper’”). Her interests extend to gender performances and socio-history in the French national context to Film (see “Repetition and Difference: the representation of youth in the cinema of Céline Sciamma” and “Le cinéma français face à la violence: du New French Extremism à une violence intériorisée”). She applied some of these theories to re-evaluate specific genre such as road movies (see “Des autoroutes en déroute : un autre voyage du cinema”). Her recent focus has been on the Corsican context to apprehend the representation of violence, not only through the lens of gender theories but as well as postcolonial history and the representation of minorities (see: “L’autre Corse : une géopoétique polyphonique en mouvement”) which previously included the animal and its representation “Souffrance animale et angoisse cinématographique : réflexions sur l’éthique et l’esthétique du Sang des bêtes de Georges Franju”).
Furthermore, her research has maintained a common thread on minority/marginal/independent voices and the resistance/resilience in a transglobal/transnational world, with an emphasis on ethical transcreation/adaptation/inclusiveness. Her ongoing research focuses on the importance of localism in a global world and how insularity offers an utopian context to discuss violence. This questions the ethical viewpoint using it to tackle geopoetical identities/geopolitical new mappings to include the environment in the representation of minorities (see ‘Camouflage, resistance and resilience in Iran: from Jafar Panahi to Panah Panahi’ and ‘ Incendies from Wajdi Mouawad to Denis Villeneuve: from a local to a global language’). This is applicable to research on teaching and the well-being of students (see ‘ Minorities in a transglobal world: Transcultural Studies Project as a multimodal critical creativity experience for undergraduate students’), based on her personal teaching experience (Transcreation and the creative industries, Filmmaking Portfolio, Develop your inner creativity) as well as her collaboration with cultural institutions (Institut Français/Ciné Lumière).
She has convened and/or taught in the following areas:
- French language
- French culture
- European cinema
- French cinema
- Francophone postcolonial studies
- Gender and Ethnicity
- Text, Image and Context
- French Language through Films Aspects
- Transcultural studies project
- Transcreation
- Low-budget filmmaking
- Essay film
- Thinking with Images
- Screenwriting
- Non-narrative filmmaking
List of modules taught :
In French :
- Les sens au cinema (1. la vue): le regard photographique.
- France-Iran: un dialogue cinématographique.
- Le cinéma francophone d'Amérique.
- Du point de vue de l’autre scène (théatre, narration et scène imaginaire au cinéma)
- L'amour : un écran de fantasmes, de pulsions et de révolutions
- Des espaces et des frontières : les enjeux de la spatialité dans le cinéma francophone
- La langue sous les projecteurs
- Le cinéma se révolte
- L’histoire fait son cinéma
- La nourriture au cinéma
- Cinéma et musique
- Le road-movie français
- La banlieue au cinéma
- Le film noir
- L’humour au cinéma
- Blonde, brune, rousse, le cinéma français et ses actrices
- Le cinéma au féminin
- Entre masques et carnavals
- Belles et bêtes dans le cinéma français
- Le retour de la comédie française
- Un cinéma du corps
- Travestissement, mascarade et fétichisme dans le cinéma francophone
- Documentaire et fiction: un dialogue
- La religion dans le cinéma français
- Mémoire et cinéma
- Le cinéma (de) corse
- La littérature francophone postcoloniale
- Le cinéma postcolonial francophone
- Projets créatifs et transculturalisme
- Images, textes et contextes
- Le français à travers les films
- Etudes postcoloniales féminines
- Français langue étrangère (niveau débutant jusqu’à C2)
In English:
- Modernity & the City: Revolution, Spectacle, Representation in Arts & Literature- Paris, Capital of Arts 1848-1919
- Francophone Cultural Identities
- French National Cinema
- Introduction to France and the French speaking World
- European Cinema
- Think, Create, Translate
- Filmmaking Portfolio
- Aspects of French culture
- Film History and Criticism
- Transnational Studies Project
- Francophone Studies
- Advanced Communication
- Thinking with images
- Essay Film Production
- The Inner Writer: Developing Voice
- Independent Creative/Critical Dissertation
- Forms of Screenwriting
- Focus on character
- Transformation: becoming a trailer editor.
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Other contribution
Chevalier, K. (Presenter)
Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Chevalier, K. (Presenter)
Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Chevalier, K. (Presenter)
Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Chevalier, K. (Presenter)
Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Public speaking engagements
Chevalier, K. (Organiser)
Activity: Public engagement and outreach › Media Article or Participation