Personal profile


PhD, 1998, Modern British History, University of Houston, USA
PhD thesis 'Gendering Class, Patriotism and Militarism: The Women's Corps Movement in Britain during and after World War I' .

MA Hons, 1989, History and English, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
MA thesis 'The Falklands War, 1982'

Research interests

  • Women's participation and lived experience in First World War Britain
  • The intersections of gender & modernity in the First World War
  • Spatial discourses and the concept of the Home Front in modern warfare
  • The 'khaki portrait' - visual representations of gendered military identities in 19th and 20th century Britain and Europe
  • The social and cultural history of the First World War
  • Militarism in Europe, 1850s-1945

Professional affiliations

  • International Society of First World War Studies
  • Women's History Seminar, IHR
  • Centre for First World War Studies, University of Birmingham
  • Women's History Network
  • British Commission for Military History

Consultancy work

  • Collaboration with the BBC on 'What did World War One really do for women?' online guide, 2014
  • Collaboration with the Imperial War Museum on 'What Lies Beneath' online exhibition and educational resource on British experiences of the Cold War, 2009
  • Collaboration with Panoptic Productions for Channel 4 documentary series 'The Other Europe' on the transition of Eastern Europe to democracy, 1988


  • The First World War in Britain and Europe
  • Definitions of modernity and modernism in Britain and Germany
  • Modern German history, 1871-1945
  • British and European historiography
  • European political history, 18th-20th c.
  • History of London from Antiquity to the 1990s