Activities per year
- 32 results
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Accelerating our learning about terrestrial energetics
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
29 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Variability in variability: How does inter-individual trait variation differ between men and women?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Heating people lying down - what happens at the upper limit of the human thermoneutral zone?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Unstable p values are a cause of lack of study repeatability
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The relationship between activity and body weight – what role could metabolic compensation play?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
‘Austerity measures’ – energy budgeting to limit expenditure, and maybe also income
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
13 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The relationship between activity and body weight – what role could metabolic compensation play?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2022 → …Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Energy compensation in animals, including humans
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Does regression dilution affect interpretations of energy management patterns?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Unstable p values are causing lack of repeatability in animal experiments
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Airtime: who jumps and how high… out of the water?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
9 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Unstable p values are causing lack of repeatability in animal experiments
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The fickle p value does reproducibility no favours
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
‘Fit for purpose’ and ‘in the best of shape’: exploring how physical fitness and body morphology might impact movement ecology
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
In a deteriorating environment, what factor is first to kill? The tragedy of the Kursk submarine accident.
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Practise makes perfect: optimisation of locomotor performance in ‘arboreal’ parkour athletes illuminates the evolutionary ecology of great ape anatomy
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The fickle p value heads a multitude of sins
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
‘Fit for purpose’ – raising the question of whether and how wild animals maintain optimal physical fitness
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
In the pursuit of understanding animal movement costs: humans as a tractable model species
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Could Scott have survived? A century of learning about the physiological demands of Antarctica
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Reduce with caution: small samples bring fickle P values and bloated effect sizes
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The fickle p value heads a multitude of sins
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Relocation Expenses: biomechanical and environmental factors shape the energetics landscape, which is then modified by locomotion strategy
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Animal locomotion: what factors shape the energy costs?
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
In the pursuit of understanding animal movement costs: the tractable human model
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The fickle p value heads a multitude of sins
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
In the pursuit of understanding animal movement costs: the tractable human model
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2015Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
The energy expended to move: insights from comparative analyses and new laboratory studies
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Variation in the energy costs of terrestrial locomotion – interesting new findings
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
How does temperature interplay with activity levels in driving metabolic rate and Q10? A study of three distinct ectotherms
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Variation in the energy costs of terrestrial locomotion – interesting new findings
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Energy compensation in animals, including humans
Halsey, L. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2007Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience