Research output per year
Research output per year
Professor of Classics
Research activity per year
Marco Fantuzzi studied Classsics at the University of Bologna (BA: June 1979). He then moved to the University of Pisa with a Fellowship for Graduate Studies (June 1984-November 1986), before taking up a lectureship in Ancient Greek Literature at the University of Trento (November 1986-October 1993; tenure received in 1989). From November 1993 to January 2000 he taught at the University of Florence as Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Literature (tenure received in 1995). He then moved to the University of Macerata as Professor of Ancient Greek Literature (tenure received in 2003). From January 2006 to August 2015 he has been Visiting Professor of Greek at Columbia University, NY for a semester every year, and now he is Professor of Classics at the University of Roehampton, London.
He is a former Fellow of the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (Fall 2012 and Summer 2013), and has been a Margo Tytus Fellow at the University of Cincinnati (July-August 2006), a Visiting Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK (2007), a Visiting Fellow of New Hall, Cambridge, UK (2002-2003), and a Visiting Research Fellow of the Department of Classics, King's College, London (1997-1998).
Awards include a Fellowship at the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, an Alexander S. Onassis Scholarship for Foreigners, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a European Research Council Scholarship for Researchers, University of Oxford, in the frame of the project "The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions: The Greek Paradigm", and a Loeb Classical Foundation Award for his forthcoming commentary on the Rhesus ascribed to Euripides.
He has been the recipient of a major Research Grant (COFIN/PRIN) from the Italian Ministry of Education and Research in the academic years 2001-2007 as well as yearly grants from the University of Macerata based on the evaluation of his research in the frame of VQR (Valutazione Qualità della Ricerca).
He has been external evaluator of major research grant applications for the Program 'Thalis' of the Greek Ministry of Education and for the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and Council for the Humanities. He is permanent referee for the "National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research" in Italy ("Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca" = ANVUR).
He is member of the board of the monograph series entitled Le rane: collana di studi e testi, Levante editori, Bari as well as member of the board of the journals: Bryn Mawr Classical Review (since 2004), Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca, Rome (since its foundation in 1998), Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, Pisa (since 1985).
List of Publications
A1. Books:
1) Bionis Smyrnaei Adonidis epitaphium. Liverpool, Francis Cairns 1985.
Reviewed: LEC 55, 1987: 103 Bonnet | Aevum 59, 1987: 252-254 Tarditi | CR 38, 1988: 217-219 Matthews | JHS 108, 1988: 234-235 Arnott | Athenaeum 56, 1988: 645-647 Gasti | CW 82, 1988-1989: 208-209 Benediktson | JCS 36, 1988: 96-98 Katayama.
2) Ricerche su Apollonio Rodio: diacronie della dizione epica. Rome, Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1988.
Reviewed: MH 46, 1989: 251-252 Lasserre | REG 102, 1989: 601-603 Vian | Sileno 15, 1989: 315-318 Milazzo | JHS 110, 1990: 234-235 Knight | Aufidus 9, 1989: 224-225 De Martino | Orpheus 10, 1989: 436-439 Maltese | Emerita 58, 1990: 356-357 Piñero | RFIC 118, 1990: 332-335 Vetta | AAHG 46.1-2, 1993: 11-13 Köhnken | CR 43, 1993: 19-20 Kahane.
3a) Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry (with R. Hunter: revised and enlarged English edition of 3b, with one new chapter, and some new sections within existing chapters). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004; by M. Fantuzzi: pp. 1-41 (ch. 1), 133-190 (ch. 4), 246-282 (ch. 6), 283-349 (ch. 7), 377-403 (ch. 8.3), 449-461 (ch. 10.2).
Reviewed: LEC 73.1, 2005: 79-80 Beaulieu | Parnassos 47, 2005: 429-431 White | AC 75, 2006: 308-310 Donnet | BMCR 2006 (11): Foster | RFIC 134.3, 2006: 340-343 Barbantani | CR N.S. 57.2, 2007: 339-341 Harder | REA 109.2, 2007: 751-756 Cusset | Hermathena 181, 2006: 233-236 Morrison | CW 102.1, 2008-2009: 88-89 Van Sickle | AHB 20.1-4 2006: 145-147 Murray.
3b) Muse e modelli: la poesia ellenistica da Alessandro Magno ad Augusto (with R. Hunter) Rome-Bari, Laterza 2002.
Reviewed: MH 59.4, 2002: 255 Hurst | BMCR 2003 (1): Beck | CR N.S. 53.1, 2003: 28-29 Volk | Emerita 71.2, 2003: 360-362 Galán Vioque | REG 116.2, 2003: 756-757 Billault | JHS 124, 2004: 188-189 Massimilla.
4) Achilles in Love. Intertextual Studies, Oxford UP, Oxford 2012.
Reviewed: BMCR 2013 (9): Acosta-Hughes | Gymnasium 120.4, 2013: 373-374 Bitto | Mnemosyne 67.6, 2014: 1028-1031 Levaniouk | JHS 134, 2014: 157-158 Murnaghan | CR 66, 2016: 12-13 Heslin.
5) Edition and Commentary of the Rhesus ascribed to Euripides (under contract with Cambridge UP; forthcoming 2017).
6) The Rhesus ascribed to Euripides (under contract with Bloomsbury Academic for the series "Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy", forthcoming 2023).
7) Happy Love Actually: Bucolic Eros from Theocritus to Longus (under contract for Oxford UP, forthcoming 2025).
A2. Co-edited Books:
1) M. Fantuzzi-E.V. Maltese-E. Banfi, Guide bibliografiche Garzanti: Letteratura greca antica, bizantina e neoellenica, ed. by M. Fantuzzi, Milan, Garzanti 1989.
Reviewed: Orpheus 11, 1990: 175-179 Bevegni | Byzantion 60, 1990: 540-541 Leroy-Molinghen.
2) Struttura e storia dell'esametro greco, ed. by M. Fantuzzi and R. Pretagostini, 2 vols., Rome, Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale 1995-1996.
Reviewed: REG 110.1, 1997: 253-254 Irigoin | BMCR 1998 9 (1): 37-42 Finkelberg | MH 55.4, 1998: 241-242 Visser | Eikasmos 10, 1999: 379-389 Martinelli | Emerita 67.2, 1999: 376-380 García Romero.
3) A Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral, ed. by M. Fantuzzi and Th. Papanghelis, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2006.
Reviewed: CR 58.2, 2008: 400-403 Harrison | Gymnasium 115.2, 2008: 185-186 Grewing | JHS 128, 2008: 199 Knox.
4) The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception. A Companion, ed. by M. Fantuzzi and C. Tsagalis, Cambridge, CUP 2015.
Reviewed: BMCR 2016.04.45: Coo | Anc.Hist.Bulletin 6, 2016: 33-35 Scodel | Histos 10, 2016: 116-123 Rutherford.
B1. Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books:
1) 'Bion. Adon. Epitaph. 25', MCr 13-14, 1978-1979, 361-362.
2) 'Etym. gen. lambda 12 Alp.', MCr 10-12, 1975-1977, 323-324.
3) 'G. Bruno, Spaccio della bestia trionfante, I 2 (p. 600 G.-A.)', MCr 13-14, 1978-1979, 491-493.
4) 'Smikrines e Sostratos', MCr 13-14, 1978-1979, 311-316.
5) 'Men. fr. 308 K.-Th.', MCr 13-14, 1978-1979, 317-320.
6) 'Note a Gregorio Nazianzeno', MCr 13-14, 1978-1979, 413-414.
7) 'Callim. Lav.Pall. 87 e 98', MCr 13-4, 1978-1979, 329.
8) 'Oralità, scrittura, auralità: gli studi sulle tecniche della comunicazione nella Grecia antica (1960-1980)', Lingua e Stile 15, 1980, 593-612.
9) 'La contaminazione dei generi letterari nella letteratura greca ellenistica', Lingua e stile 15, 1980, 433-450.
10) 'Eros e Muse: Bione fr. 9 G.', MD 4, 1980, 183-186.Translated into German in B. Effe (ed.), Theokrit und die griechische Bukolik ("Wege der Forschung." Band 580), Darmstadt 1986, 368-373
11) 'Ek Dios archomestha', MD 5, 1980, 163-172.
12) 'Bionis Adonis Epitaphium: contesto culturale e tipologia testuale', Philologus 125, 1981, 95-108.
13) 'Il paesaggio greco dall'epica alla bucolica'.In the collective volumePaesaggio: Immagine e realtà(Milan Electa 1981), 43-45.
14) 'Bion fr. 10 Gow', MCr 15-17, 1980-1982, 159-160.
15) 'Theocr. XXX 10', MCr 15-17, 1980-1982, 157-158.
16) 'Etym. gen. my 311-330', MCr 15-17, 1980-1982, 277-280.
17) 'Varianza e tenacia del "polar thinking" nel De prisca medicina pseudoippocratico', in F. Lasserre and Ph. Mudry (eds.), Formes de pensée dans la collection hippocratique. Actes du IVe colloque international hippocratique (Lausanne, 21-26 septembre 1981), Geneva, Droz 1983, 233-247.
18) 'symphonia at Tractatus Coislinianus 47', LCM 7, 1982, 24-25.
19) 'Menander, Misoumenos A 8', ZPE 48, 1982, 66.
20) 'Varianti d'autore nelle Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio', A&A 29, 1983, 146-161.
21) '[Hippocrates], morb.sacr. xiii 39J', LCM 8.3 (March 1983), 44-45.
22) 'Eutopia letteraria ed eutopia scientifica: l'habitat marino in Teocrito e in Arato', QS 17, 1983, 189-208.
23) 'Omero 'autore' di Apollonio Rodio: le formule introduttive al discorso diretto', MD 13, 1984, 67-105.
24) 'Preistoria dell'esametro e storia della cultura greca arcaica: a proposito di alcuni studi recenti', MD 12, 1984, 35-60.
25) 'Analecta medica', SIFC 2, 1984, 111-115.
26) 'Gli alexiloga grammata di Crizia', QS 19, 1984, 221-227.
27) 'La visione di Doroteo', A&R 30, 1985, 186-197.
28) 'Phryx eimi: Men. Aspis 206 ss., 242 ss.', Anc.Soc. 17, 1986, 113-119.
29) 'La censura delle Simplegadi: Ennio, Medea fr. 1 J.', QUCC 31, 1989, 119-129.
30) 'Caducità dell'uomo ed eternità della natura: variazioni di un motivo letterario', QUCC 26, 1987, 101-110.
31) 'L'epos ellenistico tradizionale prima e dopo Ziegler' and 'Epici ellenistici', introductions to the Italian translation of K. Ziegler, L'epos ellenistico (19662), Bari 1988, xxv-lxxxxix.
32) 'L'ambigua prigione di Antigone', in L. De Finis (ed.), Scena e spettacolo nell'antichità. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studio, Trento 28-30 marzo 1988, Florence, Olschki 1989, 193-203.
33) 'Sulla scenografia dell'ora (e del luogo) nella tragedia greca', MD 24, 1990, 9-30.
34) 'Rimandi interni e strategie testuali omeriche in prospettiva oralista', QUCC 35, 1990, 103-119.
35) 'La coscienza del medium tipografico negli editori greci di classici dagli esordi della stampa alla morte del Kallierges', in M. Cortesi and E.V. Maltese (eds.), Dotti bizantini e libri greci nell'Italia del secolo XV, Naples, D'Auria 1992, 37-60.
36) 'Preistoria di un genere letterario: a proposito degli Inni V e VI di Callimaco', in R. Pretagostini (ed.), Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all'età ellenistica: Studi in onore di Bruno Gentili, vol. 3, Rome 1993, 928-946.
37) 'Teocrito e la poesia bucolica', in G. Cambiano, L. Canfora, and D. Lanza (eds.), Lo spazio letterario della Grecia antica, I.2, Rome 1993, 145-195.
38) 'Il sistema letterario della poesia alessandrina nel III sec. a.C.', in G. Cambiano, L. Canfora, and D. Lanza (eds.), Lo spazio letterario della Grecia antica, I.2, Rome 1993, 31-73.
39) 'On the Metre of Anacreont. 19 W.', CQ 44, 1994, 540-542.
40) 'Levio, Saffo, e la grazia delle fanciulle lidie: Laev. fr. 18', in L. Belloni, G. Milanese, and A. Porro (eds.), Studia classica Iohanni G. Tarditi oblata, Milan 1995, 341-347.
41) 'Variazioni sull'esametro in Teocrito', in M. Fantuzzi and R. Pretagostini (eds.), Struttura e storia dell'esametro greco, vol. 1, Rome 1995, 221-264.
42) 'Mythological Paradigms in the Bucolic Poetry of Theocritus', PCPhS 41, 1996, 16-35.
43) M. Fantuzzi & F. Maltomini, 'Ancora magia in Teocrito: (VII 103-114)', ZPE 114, 1996, 27-29.
44) 'Omero mendicante a Troia e a Itaca', MD 36, 1996, 175-185.
45) 'Textual misadventures of Daphnis: the pseudo-Theocritean Id. 8 and the origins of the bucolic manner', in Genre in Hellenistic Poetry: Third Hellenistic Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry (Groningen 28-30 August 1996), Groningen 1998, 61-79.
46) 'Il proemio di Theocr. 17 e Simon. IEG fr. 11 W.: eroi, discendenti di semidei', Prometheus 24.2, 1998, 97-110.
47) 'La letteratura greca dell'età ellenistica. 7: Poesia epica e didascalica', 'La letteratura greca dell'età ellenistica. 9: Eronda e la poesia mimetica', in I. Lana and E.V. Maltese (eds.), Storia della civiltà letteraria greca e latina, Turin 1998, vol. 2, 110-133 and 160-168
48) 'Imitazione teocritea e innovazioni nella poesia 'bucolica' post‑teocritea', in G. Ramires (ed.), Atti del Convegno Nazionale Teocrito nella storia della poesia bucolica (Milazzo, 7‑8 Novembre 1998), Milazzo 1999, 61‑83.
49) 'I 'prosodiaci' di Dion.Hal. Comp.verb. 4, 3', in Poesia e religione in Grecia: Studi in onore di G. Aurelio Privitera, Naples 2000, 305‑310.
50) 'Convenzioni epigrafiche e mode epigrammatiche: l'esempio delle tombe senza nome', in R. Pretagostini (ed.), La letteratura ellenistica: problemi e prospettive di ricerca, Rome 2000, 163‑182.
51) 'Theocritus and the Demythologization of Poetry', in M. Depew and D. Obbink (eds.), Matrices of Genres, Cambridge MA 2000, 138-151.
52) 'An Aristarchan Reading of Apollonius' Argonautica', Sem.Rom. 3, 2000, 313-324.
53) '“Homeric” Formularity in the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes', in Th. Papanghelis and A. Rengakos (eds.), A Companion to Apollonius Rhodius, Leiden-Boston 2001, 171-191.
54) 'Heroes, descendants of ἡμίθεοι: the proemium of Theocritus 17 and Simonides 11 W2', in D. Boedeker and D. Sider (eds.), The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire, New York-Oxford 2001, 232-241 (English translation of 'Il proemio di Theocr. XVII e Simon. fr. 11 W.2', Prometheus 24, 1998, 97-110).
55) 'Anazētōntas tē methodo. Suntomes skepseis gia tēn istoria tēs klassikēs philologias stēn Italia mesa apo ta epistēmonika periodika' (written in collaboration with R. Pretagostini), in A. Rengakos (ed.), Nekra Grammata: Oi klasikes spoudes ston 21o aiōna, Athens 2001, 115-125.
56) 'La tecnica versificatoria del P.Mil.Vogl. VIII.309', in Il papiro di Posidippo un anno dopo (Atti del convegno: Firenze 13-14 Giugno 2002), Florence 2002, 79-97.
57) 'The Structure of the Hippika of the P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309', in B. Acosta-Hughes, E. Kosmetatou, and M. Baumbach (eds.), Labored in Papyrus Leaves. Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P.Migl.Vogl. VIII 309), Cambridge MA, 2003, 212-224.
58) 'Amore pastorale e amore elegiaco, tra Grecia e Roma', in L. Belloni, L. De Finis, and G. Moretti (eds.), L'officina ellenistica: poesia dotta e popolare in Grecia e a Roma, Trento 2003, 169-198 (shorter English version @ (, 2003).
59) 'The Magic of (Some) Allusions: Philodemus AP 5.107', HSCPh 102, 2004, 213-236 (shorter version in Giornate filologiche “Francesco Della Corte” III, Genoa 2003, 167-183.
60) 'Sugli epp. 37 e 74 Austin-Bastianini del P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309', ZPE 146, 2004, 31-35.
61) 'Euripides (?), Rhesus 56-58 and Homer, Iliad 8.498-501: Another Possible Clue to Zenodotus’ Reliability', CPh 100, 2005, 268-273.
62) 'Posidippus at Court: The Contribution of the hippika of P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309 to the Ideology of Ptolemaic Kingship', in K. Gutzwiller (ed.), The New Posidippus: a New Poetry Book, Oxford 2005, 249-268.
63) 'L'Omero del Reso, secondo i suoi scoliasti', in R. Pretagostini and E. Dettori (eds.), La cultura ellenistica: il libro, l'opera letteraria, l'esegesi antica (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", September 22-24, 2003), Rome 2005, 415-424.
64) 'La Dolonia del Reso come luogo dell'errore e dell'incertezza', in M. Vetta and C. Catenacci (eds.), I luoghi e la poesia nella Grecia antica (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, April 20-22, 2004), Alessandria 2006, 241-263.
65) 'Callimaco, l'epigramma e il teatro', in G. Bastianini and A. Casanova (eds.), Callimaco: cent'anni di papiri (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. of Florence, June 9-10, 2005), Florence 2006, 69-87.
66) 'The Myths of Dolon and Rhesus, from Homer to the 'Homeric/Cyclic' Tragedy Rhesus', in F. Montanari and A. Rengakos (eds.) La poésie épique grecque : métamorphoses d'un genre littéraire : huit exposés suivis de discussions (Entretiens Hardt 52: August 2005), Vandoeuvres-Geneva 2006, 135-176.
67) 'The Hexameter of Inscribed Hellenistic Epigram' (written in collaboration with A. Sens), in M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit, and G.C. Wakker (eds.), Beyond the Canon (Hellenistica Groningana XI), Leuven 2006, 361-378.
68) 'Theocritus' Cooperative Interpreters, and the Creation of a Bucolic Reader', in M. Fantuzzi and Th. Papanghelis (eds.), A Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral, Leiden 2006, 235-262.
69) 'Medea, la luna, l’amore (Ap.Rh. 3, 450-465)', in A.T. Cozzoli and A. Martina (eds.) L'epos argonautico (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. of Rome III, April 21-22, 2004), Rome 2007, 77-95.
70) '“Mescolare il ludicro al serio”: la poetica di Filico e l'edonismo dei Feaci (SH 980)', in F. Conca (ed.) L’epigramma greco: problemi e prospettive (Proceedings of the Congresso Nazionale della Consulta Universitaria del Greco, Univ. of Milan, October 21, 2005), Milan 2007, 53-68.
71) 'Dioscoride e la storia del teatro', in R. Pretagostini and E. Dettori (eds.), La cultura ellenistica: persistenza, innovazione, trasmissione (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", September 19-21, 2005), Rome 2007, 105-123.
72) 'The Importance of Being boukolos', in M. Paschalis (ed.), Pastoral Palimpsests: Essays in the Reception of Theocritus and Virgil (Rethymnon Classical Studies vol. 3), Rethymno 2007, 13-38.
73) 'Epigram and the Theater', in P. Bing and J. Bruss (eds.), A Companion to Greek Epigram, Leiden-Boston 2007, 477-495.
74) 'La mousa del lamento in Euripide, e il lamento della Musa nel Reso ascritto a Euripide', Eikasmos 18, 2007, 173-199.
75) 'La doppia gloria di Menas', in A.M. Morelli (ed.), Epigramma longum: da Marziale alla tarda antichità (Proceedings of the Conference, Univ. of Cassino, May 29-31, 2006), Cassino 2008, 603-622.
76) 'Teocrito e l'invenzione di una tradizione letteraria bucolica', in D. Auger and J. Peigney (eds.), Phileuripidès: Mélanges offerts à F. Jouan, Paris 2008, 569-600.
77) 'Which Magic, which Eros? Apollonius' Argonautica and the different Narrative Roles of Medea as a Sorceress in Love', in T.D. Papanghelis and A. Rengakos (eds.), Brill's Companion to Apollonius Rhodius, Leiden 2008, 289-310.
78) 'Sung Poetry: The Case of Inscribed Paeans', in J. Clauss and M. Cuypers (eds.), A Companion to Hellenistic Literature, Chichester, UK and Malden, MA 2010, 181-196.
79) 'Typologies of Variation on a Theme in Archaic and Classical Metrical Inscriptions', in I. Petrovic, A. Petrovic, and M. Baumbach (eds.), Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram, Cambridge, CUP 2010, 289-310.
80) 'Scholarly Panic: panikos phobos, Homeric Philology and the Beginning of the Rhesus', in S. Matthaios, F. Montanari, and A. Rengakos (eds.), Ancient Scholarship and Grammar: Archetypes, Concepts and Contexts, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2011, 41-54.
81) 'Hector between ξενία and συμμαχία for Rhesus (on [Eur.] Rh. 246-453)', in J. Peigney (ed.), Amis et ennemis en Grèce ancienne, Bordeaux, Ausonius 2011, 117-31.
82) 'The Dream of the Charioteer in the Rhesus Ascribed to Euripides (728-803)', Trends in Classics 3, 2011, 38-53.
83) 'Speaking with Authority: Polyphony in the Hymns of Callimachus', in B. Acosta Hughes, L. Lehnus, and S. Stephens (eds.), Brill's Companion to Callimachus, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2011, 429-453.
84) 'Achilles at Scyros and One of his Fans: The Epithalamium of Achilles and Deidamia (Buc. Gr. 157f. Gow)', in M. Baumbach and S. Bär (eds.), Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin Epyllion and its Reception, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2012, 283-306.
85) 'Achilles and the improba virgo. Ovid, Ars am. 1.681-704 and Statius, Ach. 1.491-552', in T. Papanghelis and S. Frangoulidis (eds.), Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, 5th ‘Trends in Classics’ International Conference on Latin Genre, Thessaloniki, May 2011, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2013, 151-168.
86) 'Tragic Smiles: When Tragedy Gets Too Comic for Aristotle and Later Hellenistic Readers', in Hellenistic Studies at a Crossroads: Exploring Texts, Contexts and Metatexts, 6th ‘Trends in Classics’ International Conference on Hellenistic Poetry, Thessaloniki,May 2012, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2014, 217-235.
87) 'From Achilles' Horses to a Cheese-seller Shop: on the History of the Guessing Game in Greek Drama' (written in collaboration with D. Konstan), in E. Bakola, L. Prauscello, and M. Telò (eds.), Greek Comedy and the Discourse of Genres, Cambridge, CUP 2013, 256-274.
88) 'Performing and Informing: On the Prologues of the [Euripidean] Rhesus', Trends in Classics 7.2, 2015, 224-236.
89) Introduction: 'Kyklos, the Epic Cycle and Cyclic poetry', in M. Fantuzzi and C. Tsagalis (eds.), The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception.A Companion, Cambridge, CUP 2015, 1-40 (with C. Tsagalis).
90) 'The aesthetics of sequentiality and its discontents', in M. Fantuzzi and C. Tsagalis (eds.), The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception.A Companion, Cambridge, CUP 2015, 405-429.
91) 'Dolon Euergetes: Ps.-Euripides, Rhesus 149-190 and the Rhetoric of Civic Euergesia', CQ 65, 2016, 514-24.
92) 'Novice Pastoral Eros and Its Epigrammatic Critics', in E. Sistakou and A. Rengakos (eds.), Dialect, Diction, and Style in Greek Literary and Inscribed Epigram (Trends in Classics - Suppl. vol. 43), Berlin and Boston 2016, 281-295.
93) 'How to Divinize a Mortal and (try) not to Offend the Gods (Ps.-Eur. Rh. 342-87) ', in First Drafts@Classics (Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies Online Publications). December 26, 2016.
94) Text and commentary of a selection of Bion of Smyrna and of Ps.-Theocritus 20, in D. Sider (ed.), Hellenistic Greek Verse: A Selection, University of Michigan Press, 2017, respectively pp. 169-85 and 545-553.
95) 'Theocritus' Shepherdly Eros', in C. Cusset, C. Kossaifi, R. Poignault (eds.) Présence de Théocrite (= Caesarodunum 50-51, 2017), Clermont-Ferrand, 331-345.
96) 'On Critias’ ἀλεξίλογα γράμματα again', in L. Athanassaki and A. Kavoulaki, M. Noussia-Fantuzzi (eds.), Elegy and Iamb: 21 Essays, University of Crete Press, forthcoming.
97) 'On the alleged bastardy of Rhesus: errant orphan of unknown paternity or child of many genres?'', in the proceedings of the conference "Marginality, Canonicity, Passion", ed. by M. Formisano and C.S. Kraus (Yale University, March 2012), Oxford, Oxford UP, forthcoming.
98) ' Ps.-Theocr. Id. 27: A Chance for Happiness in Love', in C. Carey, S. Chatzikosta and M. Kanellou (eds.), Erudition and Allusion in Theocritus, Cambridge, CUP, forthcoming.
99) 'Pseudo-Euripides' Rhesus and proto-Hellenistic philology', in B. Cartlidge, M. Perale and G. Taietti (eds.), Hellenistic Poetry Before Callimachus. An Enquiry Into Two Lost Generations, Cambridge, CUP, forthcoming.
100) 'Variations on the Music of Cybele', in C. Carey, M. Kanellou and I. Petrovic (eds.), Reading Greek Epigram: from the Hellenistic to the Early Byzantine Era, Oxford, Oxford UP, forthcoming.
101) 'Describing Images/Connoting Feelings: Choral Ekphrasis in Euripides', in A. Chaniotis (ed.), Unveiling Emotions: Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World, vol. 3, Stuttgart, Steiner Verlag, forthcoming.
B2. Contribution to Bibiographies
1) Bibliographical guide to 'Letteratura greca antica', in M. Fantuzzi (ed.), Guide bibliografiche Garzanti: Letteratura greca antica, bizantina e neoellenica, Milan, Garzanti, 1989.
B3. Encyclopedia Entries
1) Entries: Antimachos (3: aus Kolophon), Aratos (4: aus Soloi), Bion (2: Bucolischer Dichter), Bukolik (I: Griechisch), Choirilos (1: aus Samos) and Choirilos (3, aus Iasos), Eidyllion, Ekphrasis, Epideiktische Dichtung, Epyllion, Euphorion, Gedichtbuch (I: Griechisch), Hellenistische Dichtung (in collaboration with R. Hunter), Historisches Epos, Ktisis-Epos, Moschos (3: aus Syrakus), Nicandros (4: aus Kolophon), in Der Neue Pauly (1996-2000).
2) Entry: Epic Cycle, in R.F. Thomas and J.M. Ziolkowski (eds.), The Virgil Encyclopedia (Wiley-Blackwell 2013).
3) Entry: Epigram, in R.S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C.B. Champion, A. Erskine, S.R. Huebner (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Wiley-Blackwell 2013).
4) Entries: Achilles; Rhesus, in H.M. Roisman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Wiley-Blackwell 2013).
5) Entry: Apollo and the Muses, in J.-Ph. Guez, F. Klein, J. Peigney, and É. Prioux (eds.), Dictionnaire des images du poétique; Garnier 2017 (forthcoming).
B4. Reviews (selective):
1) Review of D. Lanza, Lingua e discorso nell' Atene delle professioni (1979), Gnomon 52, 1980, 516-521.
2) Review of G. Plamböck, Dynamis im Corpus Hippocraticum (1964); Chr. Schäublin, 'Wieder einmal PROPHASIS', MH 28, 1971, 133-44; H.R. Rawlings III, A Semantic Study of Prophasis to 400 BC (1975); A.A. Nikitas, Zur Bedeutung von PROPHASIS in der altgriechischen Literatur (1976), in Intersezioni 1, 1981, 449-458.
3) Review of G.E.R. Lloyd, Magic, Reason and Experience: Studies in the Origins and Development of Greek Science (1979), QS 15, 1982, 273-280.
4) Review of G. Bodei-Giglioni, Menandro o la politica della convivenza: la storia attraverso i testi letterari (1984), QUCC 51, 1986, 156-158.
5) Review of R. Pretagostini, Ricerche sulla poesia alessandrina. Teocrito, Callimaco, Sotade (1984), QS 26, 1987, 189-195.
6) Review of R.W. Daniel-F. Maltomini, Supplementum magicum I, Opladen 1990, RFIC 119, 1991, 79-86.
7) Review of P.A. Rosenmeyer, The Poetics of Imitation: Anacreon and the Anacreontic Tradition (1992), CR 44, 1994, 9-11.
8) Review of L. Watson, Arae: the Curse Poetry of Antiquity (1991), JRS 85, 1995, 270-271.
9) Review of M. Belardinelli, Menandro, Sicioni (1994), RIFC 124, 1996, 336-340.
10) Review of D. Lanza, La disciplina dell'emozione: un'introduzione alla tragedia greca (1997), Prom. 24, 1998, 182-184.
11) Review of O. Tsagarakis, Studies in Odyssey 11 (2000), CR 52, 2002, 162-163.
12) Review of E. Minchin, Homer and the Resources of Memory (2001), CR 52, 2002, 233-235.
13) Review of A. Ford, The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece (2002), Eikasmos 14, 2003, 492-500.
14) Review of R. Grisolia, Oikonomia: struttura e tecnica drammaturgica negli scoli antichi ai testi drammatici (2001), BMCR 2004.04.39.
15) Review of P. Dräger, Die Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodious: das zweite Zorn-Epos der griechischen Literatur (2001), CR 54, 2004, 44-45.
16) Review of F. Jouan, Euripide. Tragédies, tome VIII, 2e partie: "Rhésos" (2004), BMCR 2006.02.18.
17) Review of F. Jouan and H. Van Looy, Euripide: Tragédies. Tome VIII. 4e partie. Fragments de drames non identifiées (2003), CR 56, 2006, 26-28.
18) Review of A. Feickert, Euripidis Rhesos: Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar (2005), JHS 127, 2007, 161-162.
19) Review of M.A. Tueller, Look Who's Talking: Innovations in Voice and Identity in Hellenistic Epigram (2008), BMCR 2009.09.54.
20) Review of É. Prioux, Petits musées en vers: Épigramme et discours sur les collections antiques (2008), AJPh 130 (2009) 294-299.
21) Review of B. Acosta-Hughes and S. Stephens, Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets (2012), CJ Online Review, Posted on May 9, 2013.
22) Review of L. Morgan, Musa pedestris: Metre and Meaning in Roman Verse (2010), CR 63 (2013) 432-434.
23) Review of R. Gagné and M.G. Hopman (eds.), Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy (2013), Mnemosyne 69.4 (2016) 691-696.
B5. Talks Given in Last Five Years:
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
McHardy, F. (Organiser) & Fantuzzi, M. (Organiser)
Activity: Participating in or organising an academic event › Participation in academic conference
Fantuzzi, M. (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Fantuzzi, M. (Guest editor)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial Activity
Fantuzzi, M. (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation for an academic audience › Invited talk for an academic audience
Fantuzzi, M. (Guest editor)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review