Personal profile


I practice as both an academic and as a consultant. As a chartered Occupational Psychologist i work with both individuals and organisations.  My areas of expertise include worker wellbeing and stress, health and safety, ergonomics, organisational change and coaching.    I work within particular industries focusing on hazards and risk assessments.


I am registered with the Higher Education Academy as a Senior Fellow (awarded in 2019) following my work with student as partners initiatives and flipping classroom initiatives.   


My research interests are currently focusing on developing psychometric tools for assessing inner strength and organisational trust and also establishing predictors of student engagement and satisfaction.  The concept of and operationalisation of the inner strength/inner resource concept is of signifiicance given the implications for its application inside the workplace irrespective of business sector.   Predictors of student engagement and satisfaction are important for establishing further understanding of student support requirements.  Research with students is ongoing. 

External positions
