ASCENTS 1-2-1 support for science

  • Abrahams, Ian (PI)
  • Inglis, Michael (CoI)
  • Sharpe, Rachael (CoI)
  • Vaughan, Helen (CoI)
  • Reiss, Michael (CoI)
  • Dunlop, Lynda (CoI)

Project Details


Aim: This project up-scales the earlier pilot project that found that paired mentoring of Year 11 Pupil Premium students with undergraduates studying STEM subjects, statistically significantly improved their academic attainment in both mock and actual GCSE science examinations

Method: The project draws together academic colleagues from Departments of Education at five other universities: Leeds, Lincoln, Liverpool, UCL Institute of Education, and York. Each University has recruited secondary schools close to their geographical location and the paired mentoring intervention, delivered by undergraduates in STEM subjects, involves 720 Year 11 students (10 intervention and 10 control students in each of the 36 intervention schools. Mentoring takes place within each school and under the direct supervision of a qualified teacher once a week for an hour over a period of 23 weeks in the academic years. In addition, there is also a six-hour pre-GCSE intensive paired mentoring revision session for each student in each science subject. Undergraduate mentors will work with the students on any aspect of their science study that either they, or their teacher, report they are having difficulty with.

Each school in the study will provide an intervention and a control group with students being allocated to either these two groups randomly. The control groups in each school will not take part in the mentoring programme but will take part in any other interventions that the school takes part in e.g. visits to university departments.
Short titleASCENTS 1-2-1
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/07/20


  • Educational Endowment Foundation (EEF): £615,000.00