A cultural analysis of the Chinese kindergarten curriculum

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This is a paper presented to the Scottish Educational Research Association conference, Perth, Scotland, November 2005. This paper presents provisional findings as part of my PhD research project on an ethnographic case study of early years curriculum in Chinese and English contexts. The curriculum enacted in two Chinese kindergartens aligned with the Chinese early childhood education policy framework focusing on the five learning domains and there was a cultural lens interwoven into the enactment of curricular activities with arising tensions between Chinese traditional cultural values and the Western cultural influences in the 21st century.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2005
EventScottish Educational Research Association conference - Perth, Scotland
Duration: 14 Nov 200516 Nov 2005


ConferenceScottish Educational Research Association conference
CityPerth, Scotland


  • Kindergarten, early years curriculum, Chinese traditional culture, Western culture, early years policy

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