A multi-study examination of the complementarity dimension of the coach-athlete relationship

L. Felton, Sophia Jowett, Chris Begg, Xinmiao Zhong

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This multi-study aimed to examine the complementarity dimension of the coach-athlete relationship in relation to individual and group outcomes, specifically well-being and cohesion. Self-report data was collected from athletes in the UK (n = 304). In Study 1 (n = 106), mediation analysis demonstrated significant indirect effects between direct and meta complementarity and vitality via basic psychological needs satisfaction. In addition, a significant direct effect between direct complementarity and vitality was also seen, independent of the indirect effect. In Study 2 (n = 198), mediation analysis demonstrated significant indirect effects between direct and meta complementarity and task and social cohesion via the basic psychological needs. A significant direct effect between meta complementarity and task cohesion was also identified, independent of the indirect effects. No direct or indirect effects were observed for reciprocal complementarity. Findings highlight the importance of complementarity, and satisfaction of the basic psychological needs, within the coach-athlete relationship for enhancing athletes’ feelings of well-being and cohesion.

© 2020, American Psychological Association. This is an author produced version of a paper published in SPORT, EXERCISE AND PERFORMANCE PSYCHOLOGY uploaded in accordance with the publisher’s self- archiving policy. The final published version (version of record) is available online at the link. Some minor differences between this version and the final published version may remain. We suggest you refer to the final published version should you wish to cite from it.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-42
JournalSport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2021

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