Are the Gifts and Occupations worthless today: re-interpretation of Froebel’s educational philosophy and work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This is a paper presentation to the 1st Biennial International Froebel Society Conference held at University of Roehampton 2004. This paper presentation was part of my MA Dissertation 'Play worked hard: re-interpretation of Froebel's concept of play'. This paper presentation shared part of my historical research on Froebel's Gifts and highlighted the relevance of Froebel's Gifts to early childhood practice today in relation to value of blockplay and children's holistic learning with an awareness of critiques of Froebel's Gifts in historical context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2004
EventInternational Froebel Society 1st Conference - University of Roehampton, London
Duration: 30 Jun 20042 Jul 2004


ConferenceInternational Froebel Society 1st Conference
Internet address


  • Froebel's Gifts, Unity, blockplay, Froebel's philosophy, holistic learning, early childhood practice

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