Black Asian and Minority Ethnic student and staff experiences in nurse education - symposium

Beverley Brathwaite, Anthony Wheeldon, Maleka Harcharran

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Widening participation has seen an increase in BAME students attending university to study nursing. This can only be a positive move as the patient population has become more diverse. Nurse education must assure that the nursing workforce represents this diversity. Unfortunately, inequalities in society that BAME groups experience is reinforced in universities by the systems, process and people who inhabit them. We struggle to bridge the educational attainment gap that exists between white and BAME students. BAME students and staff experience being treated differently based on at ‘best’ unconscious bias at its worse institutional racism. The symposium will look at what is happening, whey and what can be done.
• Analyse statistical data of the BAME attainment gap in a nursing department and compare with other programs at a local through to international level.
• BAME Student experience of nurse education discuss and analyse qualitative findings
• Establish what decolonization of a curriculum entails and practical evidenced based implementation
• Black female nurse academic experiences qualitative data analysis, discussion and understanding
• Exploration of the impact that white privilege, unconscious bias and racism has on nursing students and academics
• Discussion of what can be done to improve the experiences and attainment gap for BAME nursing students

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNET2019 Conference Advance HE
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2019
EventAdvance HE NET Conference - Online, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Sept 20213 Sept 2021


ConferenceAdvance HE NET Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address

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