Complexities found through the physicality to mental health and mentality of physical education: CIRSIE research Centre, University of Roehampton

Alison Murray, Sarah Adams

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Children can be who they are as they learn in physical education. They can take chances to explore and enhance their identities as they become more aware of who and how they wish to become. Educators of physical education remain highly aware of the value and impact of the subject. Whilst it does not exist primarily to serve the needs of other aspects of society outwith a national curriculum, it may offer practical ways to develop and engage a way of well being for children learn when beyond it. Physical education presents a proactive opportunity to complement existing mental health strategies elicited beyond the curriculum into practical learning within it. This interdomain pedagogical strategy seeks to support preservice and in-service physical educators as they teach skills of a psychomotor nature in ways which emphasise a positive regard of self and others.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCIRSIE Research Centre, University of Roehampton
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2019

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