Coping with precarity during COVID-19: A study of platform work in Poland

Karol Muszynski, Valeria Pulignano, Markieta Domecka, Adam Mrozowicki

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The research on which this article is based received funding from the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 833577 – Project ResPecTMe – Resolving precariousness: Advancing the theory and measurement of precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum). The authors would also like to acknowledge their collaboration with the University of Wrocław under the ERC Advanced Grant ResPecTMe and the recently funded COV-WORK: Socio-economic consciousness, work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context of the post-pandemic crisis project, which received financial support from the Polish National Science Centre (UMO-2020/37/B/HS6/00479). They extend their thanks to the two anonymous reviewers whose comments helped improve and clarify this paper.
Responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by the ILO.
Original languageEnglish
Article number161(3)
Pages (from-to)463
Number of pages485
JournalInternational Labour Review
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2021

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