Designing of a Simulation Tool for the Performance Analysis of Hybrid Data Center Networks (DCNs)

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Data center (DC) technology changes the mode of computing. Traditional DCs consist of a single layer and only have Ethernet connections among switches. Those old-fashioned DCs cannot fulfill the high resource demand compared with today’s DCs. The architectural design of the DCs is getting substantial importance and acting as the backbone of the network because of its essential feature of supporting and maintaining the rapidly increasing Internet-based applications which include search engines (e.g., Google and Yandex) and social networking applications (e.g., YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook). Every application has its parameters, like latency and blocking in the DC network. Every data center network (DCN) has its specialized architecture. It has a specific arrangement of layers and switches, which increase or decrease the DC network’s efficiency. We develop a simulation tool that comprises two different DC architectures: basic tree architecture and c-Through architecture. Using this simulation, we analyze the traffic behavior and the performance of the simulated DCN. Our main purpose is to focus on mean waiting time, load, and blocking with respect to the traffic within the DCN.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Apr 2021

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