Dietary intakes and prevalence of overweight/obesity in male non-dysvascular lower limb amputees

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BACKGROUND: Lower limb amputees are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to non-amputees. Dietary intake, a major determinant of cardiovascular disease risk, has not previously been studied in this group.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate dietary intakes and prevalence of overweight/obesity in adult lower limb amputees. Study design: A cross-sectional survey was used to investigate the dietary intake and prevalence of overweight/obesity in adults with lower limb amputations living in the United Kingdom.

METHOD: Dietary intakes of male adult lower limb amputees ( n = 46, non-dysvascular) were assessed using food frequency questionnaires and results were compared to dietary reference values in the United Kingdom. Prevalence of overweight/obesity was assessed through body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio and compared to the general population according to the Health Survey for England 2011.

RESULTS: Dietary intake risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as sugars (22.01%), total fat (34.87%), saturated fat (12.72%) and sodium (2660.10 mg/day) were significantly higher ( p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.043, p < 0.001; p < 0.001; respectively) than the dietary reference values. A high prevalence (82.8%) of overweight/obesity was found with a significantly higher body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio ( p = 0.027; p = 0.001; respectively) compared to the Health Survey for England 2011.

CONCLUSION: High intakes of sugars, dietary fats, sugars and salts, combined with high prevalence of overweight/obesity observed in lower limb amputees are concerning. These findings suggest that greater emphasis on dietary intakes should be considered for rehabilitation programmes.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings highlight poor dietary habits in lower limb amputees with respect to fat, sugar and salt intake, also high levels of overweight/obesity. Considering greater emphasis on dietary intake and including lifestyle changing interventions in rehabilitation programmes for lower limb amputees may lower the risk of obesity and CVD.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309364618823118
Issue number3
Early online date20 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • Journal Article

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