Editorial, 'Political Times'

Eleanor Roberts

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


This issue of Interventions is organised around confluences of divergent temporalities in political and activist methods. The five contributors, who each take up positions overlapping research and activism, adopt a variety of writerly and performance modes to trace their involvement in ‘political times.’ Some of the questions posed to contributors include how one sustains an activist practice, or avoids ‘burn out’, and what are the politics of temporalities such as the prelude, interruption, decolonising or queering linear time, or critiquing the neoliberal condition of having ‘no time’? Such confluences may involve reaching across or muddling between different times, as activists and scholars look to the past in order to propose different futures. In what ‘political times’ are we working; and how might we organise temporalities of action (or inaction) in response?
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationContemporary Theatre Review: Interventions
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • performance studies
  • Political Theory
  • art activism
  • identity
  • Theatre
  • dance
  • Live Art
  • performance art

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