Evaluating impact of the Pyramid socio-emotional intervention: the unique contribution and challenges of research in educational settings

Michelle Jayman, Bronach Hughes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Aim: • To disseminate findings from a recent evaluation of Pyramid’s impact on early secondary-aged pupils’ socio-emotional well-being and school performance • To discuss the contribution and challenges of research in ‘real world’ settings The session will present a recent doctoral research project and identify its contribution to demonstrating the impact of Pyramid clubs in UK schools. The evaluation of secondary school Pyramid club was conducted in the context of growing psychological distress among children and young people and the increasing focus on schools to promote and support their pupils’ socio-emotional well-being. A mixed methods strategy was designed that included both quantitative measures to examine intervention effectiveness, and a qualitative method (focus groups) to capture service users’ experiences and investigate the ‘active ingredients’ of behaviour change. Key findings include support for Pyramid’s effectiveness with an early adolescent population; the emergence of ‘academic enablers’; and specific behaviour change procedures and techniques. Implications of the study are discussed, in particular, the impact on applied practice through Pyramid’s extended five-part model: this can be implemented in schools alongside existing well-being strategies and, crucially, incorporates ‘pupil voice’, enabling young people to help inform the services and policies that affect them. Also included in the session is a consideration of the specific challenges of schoolsbased research and the difficulties associated with implementing demonstrably effective interventions. This will contribute to the ongoing debate on how to successfully navigate research objectives in ‘real world’ settings, exploring strategies for overcoming multiple barriers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUWL Research Conference
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2017
EventUWL Research Conference - UWL, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


ConferenceUWL Research Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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