Framing and reframing screendance: A site specific practice

Heike Salzer, Ana Baer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In this article artists Ana Baer and Heike Salzer share their experiential perspectives of screendance making with their company WECreate Production. By reflecting on the work Wild-er-ness (2017-20) they explore how their trajectory of collaborative making has developed towards a site-specific screendance practice in which embodied accounts of place are transmitted through the choreography, the camera and the edit (Salzer, 2019). In Wild-er-ness the team for the first-time combined traditional camera work with drone technology, exploring the opportunities that arise for the dancer-camera relationship, as well as for the composition of the frames in the edit and the various modes of presentation. The authors discuss three versions, Wild-er-ness the live performance with projecting images (2017), Wild-er-ness Reframed, a multi-screen looping installation piece which forms part of the touring exhibition Latent Spaces (2018-2020) and the screendance Wild-er-ness (2019), a 6.23 Minute film version developed for the screening at film festivals. The article presents individual reflections of the artists, which are presented throughout the text as separate voices. They provide insights from the perspective of the dancer, and how ‘dancing with a drone’ challenges traditional choreographic principles and expands the spatial and dynamic choreographic opportunities of the dancer-site-camera relationship, and from the viewpoint of the camera, considering how the multiple viewpoints that can be achieved through a combination of the traditional and the flying camera allows for an editing process that plays with numerous perspectives, producing an immersive sensation through the play of rhythm, scale and dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVideodance Studies: Analysis and Evolutions
EditorsBlas Payri
Place of PublicationValència
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de València
ISBN (Electronic)978-84-9048-600-9
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2021
Event6th EIVV, International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance, October 16-20 2019, Valencia. Spain - Centre del Carme, Valencia, Spain
Duration: 16 Oct 201920 Oct 2019


Conference6th EIVV, International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance, October 16-20 2019, Valencia. Spain
Abbreviated titleEIVV
Internet address


  • Screendance, Videodance, Videodance Studies, Site specific, Wild-er-ness

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