'Going Viral: A Coronavirus Diary'

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    Coronavirus brings globalisation into focus by forcing attention onto the different layers of interconnectedness in our twenty-first century world. As the virus spreads around the planet in waves, the pandemic impinges on different social and economic sectors each according to its own rhythm, throwing them out of joint one by one. The synchronisation which normally keeps the whole system running harmoniously breaks down. It is precisely at the moment the system breaks down that we realise how interconnected it is. What is normally hidden because, as we used to say, it functions like clockwork, is exposed. We discover that while our clocks are nowadays calibrated atomically, public time is not at all uniform but constituted by the superposition of many different tempos.

    © 2020, Free Associations. This is the final published version of the article (version of record) uploaded in accordance with the publisher’s self- archiving policy. It first appeared online via Free Associations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-16
    Number of pages16
    JournalFree Associations: Psychoanalysis and Culture, Media, Groups, Politics
    Issue number78
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2020


    • Coronavirus

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