Golden Gate

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


The Golden Gate Bridge recurs repeatedly in films about the end of life, the birth of artificial intelligence, autism, alien invasion and the control of woman – all of which are in turn linked by the production and restriction of the ‘others’ of patriarchal capitalism (machines, aliens, racial others, neurodivergent others, women). This video-essay helps to clarify precisely how and why this is so – because the bridge is itself perhaps an example of what Jane Bennett (2009) would term ‘vibrant matter,’ which stands at the end of the western world and which is located near to the heart of the digital tech industry (Silicon Valley). Golden Gate endeavours, then, to suggest the links established across 43 movies between the end of the western world and the end of patriarchal man.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2020

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