Hydration and the human brain circulation and metabolism.

Steven Trangmar, Scott Chiesa, Kameljit Kalsi, Niels Secher, Jose Gonzalez-Alonso

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Dehydration accrued during exercise in the heat challenges systemic and locomotor muscle blood flow, but its impact on brain blood flow and metabolism remains poorly understood. In this talk I will present the findings of two recent studies assessing brain haemodynamics and metabolism during maximal incremental and prolonged sub-maximal exercise in the heat, with and without dehydration. Measurements of cerebral blood flow using Doppler ultrasonography, in addition to arterial and internal jugular venous blood samples for the assessment of cerebral metabolism, were obtained. The pertinent mechanisms regulating brain blood flow in the present studies will be explored. The importance of these disturbances on the metabolism of the brain and the implications for exercise will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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