I Can't Find Myself (12mins 50 secs colour)

Beatrice Allegranti (Producer), Jill Halstead (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Practice-as-research: a short film in collaboration with composer Jill Halstead
Partners: The University of Roehampton, Department of Psychology and Centre for Arts Therapies Research UK; The Grieg Academy Unit for Music Therapy, Bergen; The University of Manchester; The University of Leeds; The Alzheimer's Society, Nettverket Musikk go Eldre (Network for Music and the Elderly), Norway; Dementia Pathfinders at Sadler’s Wells; Olympic Studios Cinema, London.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJournal of Embodied Research
Media of outputFilm
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Dementia; Dance; Music

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