Londres Como Ciudad Multicultural Y Sus Políticas De Apoyo A Minorías Étnicas: El Caso De La Comunidad Iberoamericana

Rocío Blay Arráez, Elvira Anton-Carrillo, María Teresa Benlloch Osuna

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article brings together research on the identity of cities and their effect on the Ibero-American ethnic group. It focuses on the recognition of the Ibero-American community in London, a city considered a paradigm of multiculturality, as a preliminary step towards the entitelment for support of ethnic minorities’ policies. The research has three objectives: 1. To analyse the institutional discourse in order to understand the importance given by the city of London to multiculturality; 2. To find out what means to be an offically recognised ethnic group and what it will mean for the IberoAmerican community, and 3. To explore whether this recognition is tangible in the form of specific improvement and support policies. To achieve these aims qualitative research has been taken using two research techniques. Firstly, the analysis of the content of two specific documents setting out the vision and goals for the city: «The London Plan» (2008-2011-2017) and the «Sadiq Khan Manifesto» (2016) by the current Mayor of London. Secondly, in-depth interviews with representatives of the Ibero-American community in London. The conclusions present a critical reflection with practical implications for the group under study showing, firstly, the limits on the city when applying multicultural policies and, secondly, the lack of cohesion within the group under study rendering difficult its official recognition.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)48-76
    Number of pages28
    JournalPrisma Social. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2017

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