Metacognition, the METAPE-3, a New Instructional Model for Physical Education

Alison Morag Murray, Gloria Napper-Owen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This entry theoretically positions metacognition
    pragmatically through social constructivist learning and conceptually through creativity theory. The approach calls upon tenets of agency and
    ownership of learning. While it recognizes the
    complexity of preparing for informed future based healthy active living, it promotes a way to bridge current practice of motor competence
    acquisition with thinking for future healthful
    activity lifestyle intention. Educators can choose
    to emphasize learning domain preference; psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and healthily active oriented, to support need and preference.
    Physical education embodies each and all.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Teacher Education (Living Reference) on SpringerLink all Major Reference Works on SpringerLink
    EditorsMichael A. Peters
    Place of PublicationSpringer Enclopedia-Teacher Education
    ChapterAlphabetical encyclopedia; under M
    Number of pages6
    EditionPhysical Education Chapter
    ISBN (Electronic)
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021


    • Metacognition, instructional model, physical education

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