Patient view: online and telephone appointments for coeliac disease

lidia Orlandi, Humayun Muhammad, Yvonne Jeanes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Objective: After the substantial shift to telephone and online appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to hear from patients with coeliac disease (CD) when planning service provision.
Methods: An online questionnaire was completed by 351 UK adults with coeliac disease during 2021. Included questions on demographics, experience of and preference for CD appointments.
Results: Seventy one percent of participants reported to be very confident in using technology and 95% had good quality internet access at home. 82% had experienced a telephone or online appointment for a health condition. 25% of participants reported to prefer telephone/online appointment for CD and 51% 'in-person' appointment, with 24% reporting a mixture of both or no preference. There was a similar preference for 'in-person' appointments for those under and over 50 years old. However, 56% of participants from a lower household income had a preference for 'in-person' compared with 42% from a higher income (p=0.029). Additionally, 59% of participants without a degree qualification had a preference for 'in-person' compared with 48% from degree educated participants (p=0.046).
Conclusions: Whilst there was a greater preference for 'in-person' appointments for CD compared with telephone/ online appointments, a system whereby the patient can choose would be welcomed by patients. A paper-based survey is underway to enable the voice of those who are less digitally able to be heard.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICDS 2022 Sorrento Abstract Book
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2022

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