Report on transferable lessons from Asylum Seekers Pilots

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


    Deliverable 9.5 summarizes the overall impact of the Asylum Seekers Pilots in regards to the KPIs set out by the project, as well as the transferable lessons learnt from the pilots. We tested NADINE ecosystem for the use case 1, the Asylum Seekers in the three pilot phases (M16-M32). During these three pilot phases, we hosted 200 asylum seekers as voluntary participants to pilots, contributed in the relevant KPIs set out by the project, while gained transferable lessons learnt from the pilots’ overall experience. Despite COVID-19 challenges, the balance of Farsi, Arabic, and French-speaking asylum seekers from diverse educational, gender, and age groups has been secured via different mitigation measures that contributed to identifying specific transferable lessons within the document. In pre-piloting WP9 preparatory steps, several operationalization plans were followed, and pre-pilot mock-up exercises became a standardized preparatory exercise for use case 1. Following the mock-ups in all three pilot phases, pilots were organized in line with DoA piloting schedule and timeframe. COVID-19 pandemic did not affect pilot implementation, but it was used to get transferable lessons for various actions, such as different recruitment strategies, actions ensuring participation in remote pilot implementation, and the successful conduction of small-scale piloting plans. As a result of immense efforts and planning during the COVID-19 pandemic, we received positive feedback from use case 1 pilot participants, trainers, and stakeholders for NADINE toolset. This is validating the research and the novel NADINE toolset that was produced in the context of other work packages of the project. Use case 1 participants recognized the contribution of the NADINE platform to their job search, their skills development, and their integration into the European society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2021

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