Solidarity Spaces and Infrastructures of Resistance

Maria Daskalaki, George Kokkinidis

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Exploring the emergence and evolution of solidarity networks, we focus on the emerging anti-neoliberal movement in Greece and suggest that it articulates a process of assembling multiple and intersected socio-spatialities. In particular, we focus on fixed-mobile spaces and explain how sites of resistance, and economic and political experimentation and alternative organizing are being constructed. We discuss two case studies; first, Kolektives, a network of multiple, autonomous, yet intersected spaces of resistance and solidarity that becomes a platform where new socialities and inter-subjectivities emerge. We suggest that such spaces foster affective relations and communal exchanges, while also act as markers of distinctive yet unbounded territorialities. Second, we focus on a solidarity movement, the Vio.Me Solidarity Initiative, which interacts and mobilizes local and translocal resistance multitudes in search of new work and economic relations. We propose that, through ‘subjective de-localization’ (Badiou, 2012), solidarity initiatives enable decentralized collective action. Accordingly, enacting resistance and forming solidarities across space-time lies upon acknowledging the interplay between fixity and mobility, as well as local embeddedness and translocality.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2014
    EventEurpoean Group of Organization Studies - Corfu, Greece
    Duration: 22 May 201427 May 2014


    ConferenceEurpoean Group of Organization Studies

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