Staying connected to and through our embodied physical education (teacher education). In K. Howells (Ed). Continuing to provide the education in physical education. Experiences of the Physical Education Teacher Education Network.

Alison Morag Murray, Adrienne Murray (Student)

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


During this unanticipated historically challenging time, society has embraced the need to adapt and change former practice. This has been challenging in many respects. In others, it has facilitated the emergence of new and more contextually relevant opportunity and practice. As national return-to-school policy is explored (Panovsak-Griffiths, 2020), our higher education approach remains reflexive as to anticipate and accommodate governing policy in contextually relevant ways. Socially distanced practice of an embodied nature needs to be practicable and accessible for all of our generalist and specialist preservice (physical) educators.
From our physical education teacher education perspective, we; students and tutor, have collaborated to keep our group identified practically-based strength, as a strength. Our strength is doing what we do do, together. We performed a constraints analysis (Newell, 1986) to see what we needed to keep as a constant; amidst policy and concomitant practice fluctuations. Our main strength is that of our holistic practical (predominantly formerly offline) approach to unpacking and operationalising our national PE curriculum (DfE, 2013). In so doing, our student teachers develop their own tacit awareness of how to approach and support national guidelines in developmentally appropriate and engaging ways as they develop their own motor competence. For socially distanced phases, this can also be perceived simultaneously, as our greatest weakness. Such liberating recognition has encouraged fruitful discussion from which emerged a wholly accessible way to maintain the central position of our operationalising national curricular guidelines (DfE, 2013) by all students as they build their own fundamental movement profiles. To build and progress a physical education teaching identity, we have ensured the facilitation of both personal and collective agency (responsibility to learn) through a physically contextualised approach whilst maintaining personal and collective health and safety.
We extended our thinking to explore practical ways to keep our motor competence emphasis in action. We selected the free and accessible resource of the padlet as our additional supporting pedagogical tool. The padlet; a free web tool used to share information and files on virtual walls (has received considerable attention across the breadth of the education (An et al, 2019, Ann et al, 2018). We have selected this pedagogical affordance to support students attain our expected module learning outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020

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