Switched On Computing: Third Edition complete school pack

Research output: Book/ReportBook


‘A high-quality computing education equips pupils
to use computational thinking and creativity to
understand and change the world.’
Computing programme of study, DfE, 2013
Switched on Computing has been designed with the
above aims in mind. It covers all the requirements of
the Computing programme of study in a way that
is intended to develop pupils’ understanding of the
concepts, practices and perspectives that underpin
programming and other aspects of computer science,
while providing ample opportunity for creative,
collaborative project work in which pupils can acquire
the information technology skills they will need.
Switched on Computing also helps pupils to understand
the implications of technology for individuals and
society as they become digitally literate.
The approach adopted here is one grounded in
the best primary practice. Ideas of learning through
experiment, discussion and making are woven
through the scheme. The topic-based approach
provides enough flexibility for you to link these
activities with work in other subjects.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRising Stars
Number of pages420
ISBN (Print)9781510483637
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2020

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