The complexities of reflective embodied physical education teacher education

Alison Morag Murray, Kristy Howells, Emma Whewell, Julie Pearson, Gerald Griggs

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    In England there have been 3 national pandemic lockdowns spanning 2020 and 2021. This has impacted teacher education in an unprecedented way, with providers utilising face to face taught sessions when appropriate alongside virtual online learning, as well as going fully online.
    Our presentation considers the complexities of reflective embodied physical education within teacher education drawing across the experiences of four members of the Physical Education Teacher Education Network.
    We explore the nuances of how pre-existing and emergent affordances translate to the virtual world, where ways in which teaching and learning manifest and emerge despite current structure determined constraints, policies and governance. We refer to embodied physical education in so much as it pertains to this study as explored through all of our senses and how we made sense of this through our shared practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2021 AIESEP Scientific Conference
    Place of PublicationCanada
    PublisherAssociation Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique
    ChapterLive international presentation
    ISBN (Electronic)
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2021


    • complexity thinking
    • constraints
    • embodiment

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