The Magpies: Reflections on Liminality, Domestication, and Animal Agency

Angie Pepper, Richard Healey

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Are domestication and justice compatible? This chapter utilizes reflections from the authors’ relationship with two magpies as a springboard for thinking about the wrongs of domestication. The chapter argues that reflection on liminal animals' agential capacities and powers shines a light on the structural injustice inherent to relationships between humans and domesticated animals. In short, the practices and processes of domestication inevitably expose animals to unnecessary risk of harm and unjustifiably curtail their abilities for self-determination. The chapter ends by considering and rejecting the claim that domesticated animals are better off than liminal animals since we can cater for their every need
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHeterotopia, Radical Imagination, and Shattering Orders: Manifesting a Future of Liberated Animals
    EditorsPaula Arcari
    PublisherRoutledge: Taylor & Francis Group
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Dec 2024


    • animal rights
    • domestication
    • liminality
    • agency
    • magpies

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